Hi Christian,

>> It's very close to *native Java* now, if I correctly remember the figure.
> That's good news!  Guessing this is a product build, could you time a
> run it with -XX:-Inline to see if your methods are inlined (with a debug
> build you could do a -XX:+PrintInlining)?

Yes, it's inlined. Congratulations !!

Without inlining, it's back to be around 10 secs.

[r...@andlinux g7]# time `java -cp
.:target/classes/:target/test-classes -server -XX:-Inline
-XX:+EnableInvokeDynamic g7.tests.classgen.Fib`

real    0m10.430s
user    0m10.180s
sys     0m0.210s

Best regards,

Chanwit Kaewkasi
PhD Candidate,
Centre for Novel Computing
School of Computer Science
The University of Manchester
Oxford Road
M13 9PL, UK
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