On Oct 22, 2010, at 4:03 AM, Helmut Eller wrote:

> Why is the name a required and not an optional argument?

The name is part of the fixed structure of CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic, which is 
modeled on CONSTANT_Methodref, and therefore contains a CONSTANT_NameAndType.  
Whether you want the name or not, it's in there.

Minimally, an indy instruction could get by with a signature, a BSM, and 0 or 
more static arguments.  Adding the name makes the new CP entry a little more 
similar to existing ones.

If you put the name string in the argv, you'd need a CONSTANT_Utf8 and a 
CONSTANT_String. In the current design, you instead have a CONSTANT_NameAndType 
and a CONSTANT_Utf8.  So the CP entry pressure is the same in most cases.

-- John
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