And all talks have now been finalized:

A VM tech day without Martin Thompson is no VM tech day!


> On 11 Nov 2015, at 09:35, Marcus Lagergren <> wrote:
> Greetings community members!
> I am coordinator for the JFokus VM Tech Day at the JFokus conference in 
> February 2016. This is the second year running we have this event, and it was 
> a great success last year. This year we have received significantly more 
> contributions, and the hardest part was sifting through all quality material 
> that we were given.
> We are in the process of finalizing the speaker list, but 5 out of 6 slots 
> are now filled and the current agenda looks like this: 
> This year, Brian Goetz, Java Language Architect from Oracle opens the tech 
> day, and talks about project Valhalla and how the OpenJDK is getting there.
> Brian is followed by Charlie Gracie, IBM, who will cover what is some of the 
> most exciting news in the runtime world for a very long time: The open 
> sourcing of the J9 JVM and its APIs, and example applications in the dynamic 
> language space.
> We are also proud (as always) to host the formidable Mr. Aleksey Shipilev, 
> performance czar extraordinare, always balancing on the fine line between 
> brilliant and crazy. Aleksey's presentation is about String compaction, and 
> String optimisations with invokedynamic in Java 9. Hopefully we have room for 
> him at the ordinary JFokus conference as well, as the man spouts excellent 
> tech presentations like a fountain.
> Charlie Nutter also joins us to discuss JRuby 9000, which was released this 
> summer, and about using the JVM as a platform for multi language development.
> Paul Sandoz, a man who can do anything from REST services down to bare 
> silicone magic in his job, will tell us about how VarHandles are implemented 
> in the JVM, performance aspects and why no one should miss sun.misc.Unsafe.
> Our sixth and final speaker slot is being allocated real soon now. Watch this 
> space.
> As usual there is time allocated for breakout sessions, improvised 
> unscheduled lightning talks and discussions / Q&A.
> Join the best VM internals conference initiative since JVMLS, and the first 
> of its kind in the old world.
> Regards
> Marcus Lagergren

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