Vladimir Ivanov did some work a few years ago on MH customization for hot MH 
instances. It’s in the system. That should get better results than what you 
show. I wonder why it isn’t kicking in. You are using invokeExact right?

> On Feb 2, 2018, at 1:26 PM, Charles Oliver Nutter <head...@headius.com> wrote:
> Hey folks!
> I'm running some simple benchmarks for my FOSDEM handles talk and wanted to 
> reopen discussion about the performance of non-static-final method handles.
> In my test, I just try to call a method that adds given argument to a static 
> long. The numbers for reflection and static final handle are what I'd expect, 
> with the latter basically being equivalent to a direct call:
> Direct: 0.05ns/call
> Reflected: 3ns/call
> static final Handle: 0.05ns/call
> If the handle is coming from an instance field or local variable, however, 
> performance is only slightly faster than reflection. I assume the only real 
> improvement in this case is that it doesn't box the long value I pass in.
> local var Handle: 2.7ns/call
> What can we do to improve the performance of non-static method handle 
> invocation?
> - Charlie
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