[2016-09-03 00:40] Philipp Takacs <phil...@bureaucracy.de>
> part 1     text/plain                1166
> Hi
> [2016-09-02 23:11] Dmitry Bogatov <kact...@gnu.org>
> > I am considering refactor m_convert function. It parses messages
> > specification, like `1-c' or `15' and set corresponding messages
> > selected.
> In general this is a good idea, but Markus mentioned some time ago that
> he wants to redesign the messages specification. So before you start we
> should discuss following questions:
> 1) Do we still want a redesign?
> 2) Should it be backward compatible?
> 3) What features do we want?
> 4) How should it look?
> We don't need to answer all questions in detail, but we should
> have a rough idea about what we want.

I am fine with current format, except probably 5-2 should be treated
as 2-5.

> > It is rather complicated, and accepts message specification string as
> > non-const, and it's non-trivial to make it const. (And there is FIXME
> > in header of file!) While it is possible to write better parsing code,
> > I propose to take advantage of re2c tool[1].
> >
> > It is like flex or bison, but, unlike them, which read from file, re2c
> > generates parser for C string (const char *). As far as I know, it is
> > only string parser for C language.
> What speaks against using a standard lex (i.e. flex or bison) or what is
> the advantage of re2c?

> > It is like flex or bison, but, unlike them, which read from file

Unless I missed the elefant, parser generated by flex read from FILE and
you can't change it. After all, it was created for compiler development.

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