Hello! I have some thoughts and questions regarding a few of mmh’s… older 

What does the MH format do for us? If the intent of this project is to 
modernize nmh, then what is MH doing to pull its weight- why is it exempt from 
being “modernized”? As it stands, the only way to actually sync mmh with a 
mailserver is to convert maildir or mbox to MH. Every single time you sync. 
With the help of this mailing list, I’ve written a script (which I’ve aptly 
named ‘inc’) to pull new content from my mailserver to a maildir, then move 
that into mmh using rcvstore. But, pushing content back to the mailserver 
quickly becomes problematic. There are a number of things I could try, but as 
far as I know, the best solution is a 3-way sync program written explicitly to 
solve this problem- that is, it’s a hack written by mmh/nmh users for mmh/nmh 
users. No offense to the developer intended.

To my mind, this is insane. Why treat the symptom with an *extraordinarily* 
complicated and highly specialized solution, rather than simply addressing the 
*actual issue at hand*: the MH format is too old. To interface with modern 
software, we need to update mmh to use maildir.

Another oddity to me as a new user is the separation of ‘pick’ and ‘scan’. How 
much sense does it actually make that these are two separate utilities? As best 
I can tell, all this accomplishes is extra typing, usually with ungraceful use 
of backquotes (scan `pick -from whoever`). I imagine that the vast majority of 
times someone does a search, they intend to view the results of that search in 
human readable form. Requiring an additional command to convert to human 
readable form is not logical to me. What would you all think of combing pick’s 
functionality into scan, giving scan a format file that replicates pick’s 
output? Deprecate pick.

Thanks for hearing me out. I know I’m new and I may not have as deep an 
understanding of the underlying mechanics at play, but sometimes it helps to 
have an outsider’s feedback to put things into perspective.


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