Dear all,

Many of you have probably seen this by now, but there are two interesting 
things. One is the use of location based services and the other is the study on 
adult sexting.

Rich L.

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From: Pew Internet & American Life Project 
Date: 4. nov. 2010 23.53.55 CET
To: "Ling Rich (ASA)" 
Subject: Pew Internet News: Pew Internet 4% of online Americans use 
location-based services like Foursquare of Gowalla
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Pew Internet & American Life Project
  Bi-Monthly Newsletter

Geosocial services
        November 4, 2010

In This Issue
Recent presentations
Location-based services
Upcoming reports and presentations
Future of the Internet

Recent Presentations

Teens, Adults and 

 Oct 23

Teens and adults use their cell phones to transmit and receive suggestive 
images - a practice often called "sexting." This talk, presented at the 
Association of Internet Researchers' Annual Conference, outlines the 
demographics of who is sending and receiving these images and under what 
circumstances. Further, teen focus group data explores scenarios under which 
sexts are exchanged and further examines some gender differences in language 
used to talk about sexting experiences. Read 

Online Health Seeking: How Social Networks Can Be Healing 

 Oct 25

This keynote address to a conference of the North Atlantic Health Science 
 looked at our latest findings on health searches and sharing on the internet 
and smart phones. Lee also explored how digital technologies allow 
patient-centered communities to emerge and give care to those who are sick. 

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About the Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project

The Pew Internet & American Life Project is an initiative of the Pew Research 
 a nonprofit "fact tank"that provides information on the issues, attitudes and 
trends shaping America and the world. The Pew Internet & American Life Project 
explores the impact of the internet on children, families, communities, the 
work place, schools, health care and civic/political life. Support for the 
project is provided by The Pew Charitable 


Featured Report: 4% of online Americans use location-based services like 
Foursquare or 


In its first report on the use of "geosocial" or location-based services, the 
Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life project finds that 4% of online 
adults use a service such as Foursquare or 
 that allows them to share their location with friends and to find others who 
are nearby. On any given day, 1% of internet users are using these services.

Location-based services such as Foursquare and Gowalla use internet-connected 
mobile devices' geolocation 
 to let users notify others of their locations by "checking in" to that 
location. Location-based services often run on stand-alone software 
applications, or "apps," on most major GPS-enabled smartphones or other devices.

"This is kind of the 'next step' in the evolution of the social web," co-author 
Aaron Smith said in an 
 "We've gone from sharing what we're doing right now to sharing where we are 
right now--and not only sharing that but sharing it in real time and being able 
to see where our friends are in relation to us."

Key findings include:

 *   7% of adults who go online with their mobile phone use a location-based 
 *   8% of online adults ages 
 use location-based services, significantly more than online adults in any 
other age group.
 *   10% of online 
 use these services - significantly more than online whites (3%) or online 
blacks (5%).
 *   6% of online men use a location-based service such as Foursquare or 
Gowalla, compared with 3% of online women.

"Location-based services such as Foursquare and Gowalla are relatively new, so 
we were not very surprised that only four percent of online adults have used 
this type of service," co-author Kathryn Zickuhr said. "The demographic 
breakdown of geosocial users looks pretty similar to other early adopter 
cohorts, so it will be interesting to see how use of these services evolves."

Read more 

Upcoming Presentations & Reports

November 5 | Presentation | How libraries can serve Networked 

Director Lee 
 will speak at the annual meeting of the Tampa Bay Library 
 His speech will explore the latest research of the Project and preview the 
themes of his forthcoming book, "Networking: The New Social Operating System." 
He will describe how the social world of "networked individuals" is different 
from previous generations and how libraries can plug into the information needs 
and habits of this new tribe of media users.

November 8 | Presentation | Adolescence, Mobile Technology & 

Associate Director Susannah 
 will serve as a discussant on a panel focused on mobile health technology and 
adolescent populations from different cultural backgrounds at the 2010 mHealth 
 in Washington, DC. Health disparities and reaching under-served adolescents 
with mobile technology will be a central theme.

Report | Use of the internet by higher-income households

This new report form senior fellow Jim 
 will explore examine the use of the internet by people in households with a 
median income of more than $75,000.

Update your profile here to receive email alerts whenever new reports are 

Future of the Internet: The future of social 

"It's now easy for me to find people who share characteristics or interests, 
whereas for much of my pre-internet life I mainly felt like I didn't fit in 
 Also, it's made it easier for me to find and interact with many types of 
people who are very different from me, giving me a wider range of experience. 
The classic example of how the net has positively affected my personal life is I've gone to many real-world get-togethers coordinated through that 
service, and have made many friends that way. That, to me, blends the best of 
the net and the real world." --Amy Gahran, contributing writer at eMeter 
Corporation, senior editor at Oakland Local, co-creator and community manager 
at Reynolds Journalism Institute

"A synthesis of early research on this question has shown that, in essence, 
personal predilections will be enhanced once one goes 
 Those who are social will become more so, that is, and those who are loners 
will deepen their solitude. I expect research on this question to show 
something different over time. The early question had to do with the question 
of whether there were changes in the behavior of individuals when they went 
online. Now that digital natives begin and continue online, this is no longer a 
meaningful variable." --Sandra Braman, professor in the Department of 
Communication, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and expert on the macro-level 
effects of new information technologies

Read more Future of the Internet reports 

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