On Jan 10, 2006, at 11:24 AM, mario ruggier wrote:

On Jan 10, 2006, at 6:34 PM, Bob Ippolito wrote:
The only thing it does it call into updateNodeAttributes, which will rewrite a few of the names for IE compatibility (e.g. class - > className) and let you use an object to set a bunch of nested properties (e.g. with the style object). Technically it uses setNodeAttribute(input, attrname, value) rather than input [attrname] = value, so the names it's using should match XHTML, not JavaScript, conventions.

Thanks a lot for the explanation.

Sounds like you've probably found a bug in Firefox. I don't see anything in the code that should cause that behavior.

Strange, because checking with Safari 1.3.1, the same problem occurs. Also, I realize I did not have the latest FireFox, so I have now tried it with a newly installed 1.5, that however gives the same problem. This is on OS X 10.3.9. So, to repeat, following call does not enable a previously disabled input element:

setNodeAttribute(input, 'disabled', false);

Can the problem be coming from beyond the browser?

Please post a full example that demonstrates what it does do and what it should do and I'll look into it myself.


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