On 4/4/06, troels knak-nielsen < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
If you haven't already, I suggest you take a good look at dojo. They
have a quite extensible framework for dealing with widgets.

Im looking at dojo right now. The documentation seems a bit light, and its all very integrated, which makes it scary. Also, its BIG, or it looks like it.

I like the attachpoints and events. But i could not figure out how to modify the template to make it depend on its children.

overall, just the opposite feeling i got from mochikit.

So, dojo has the functionality i was looking for, but i dont feel comfortable with it. Maybe i dont know enough _javascript_ to master it.

What are my options now? Dojo or roll my own? Are there any other options? Again, am i missing the zen of dojo?

I think that the thing i like most about mochikit is that its a library, not a framework. Lately, ive been realizing that the only frameworks i tend to enjoy are the ones i built myself, but not for long.

So, is trying to implement this functions i proposed as an extension to mochikit a waste of time? Is dojo the only option? Is _javascript_ always so messy? Is everyone using dojo? How stable is it? am i too far off in my needs with respecto to the _javascript_ state of the art?

Maybe im a bit off topic, if so, please let me know.



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