haha Sorry! Since my crystal ball looks particularly shiny, I figured
everyone else's would, too.  The example is below, but I'm not sure
it'll be any good any more, for I've found out two things:  1) the
error on line 32 of New.js did not affect the dragging, it worked just
fine even after the error occured.  2)  The error went away sometime
when I wasn't looking! (had the js console closed). And now I can't
seem to reproduce it. I did update to rev 1081 while working on
something else, though.  I will report if I see the error again,

Alright, even if this is irrelevant now, this is what I had.  It is
about as simple as one can make it, the relevant html is:

<script tpye="text/javascript" src="MochiKit/MochiKit.js">
<script tpye="text/javascript" src="MochiKit/DragAndDrop.js">
<script tpye="text/javascript" src="MochiKit/New.js">
<script type="text/javascript" src="dragTest.js">
<div class="draggable" id="1">
<p>Some stuff</p>

and dragTest.js:
connect(window, 'onload', function(){
    new Draggable($('1') );

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