On 5/22/07, MikeC <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It seems that I am being forced to not use getNodeAttribute in one
> instance. I created a small example (see below) of where it seems to
> fail. My little example contains two text boxes. You enter some text
> in the first one and the onfocus handler for the second text box will
> show you (via an alert function) the content of the first box. The
> problem is that it doesn't work using MochiKit's getNodeAttribute. But
> it does work using the less desirable construct...
> text1Val = document.TheForm.text1.value;
> Thanks for any explanation of why this is the case.

I'm not entirely sure why it doesn't work.. but it's probably because
you're going through the ancient form API rather than the DOM API.

I don't see any real reason to prefer getNodeAttribute for "value" in
this case. Do you like it because it's slower and less direct?  ;)


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