On 6/11/07, GK <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been Googling around looking for tools to help with testing of
> asynchronous code using mochikit's Deferred's.  The only thing I found
> so far was this post from over a year ago, to which there was no
> response.
>   http://groups.google.com/group/mochikit/msg/53af9c5dece6e576
> What I'm looking for is something akin to the 'twisted.trial.unittest'
> package that extends a synchronous unit test framework to handle
> deferred results.  Ideally, I'd like to be able to mix synchronous and
> deferred tests in a single suite.
> I think I can see a way to achieve this, effectively absorbing all the
> tests into a reactor monad (wrapping any synchronous values in
> mochikit.async.succeed) and supplying a testrunner that collects the
> results and analyzes them when all deferreds have fired.  But before I
> spend too much effort trying to figure the details of doing this, I'd
> be interested to hear if anyone has already done anything similar for
> mochikit.

How about looking at how MochiKit.Async's tests work?


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