First off, I'm not going to say RTFM or anything, but seriously the
docs are you friend ;-)  If you take a look at the documentation for
"zip(p, q, ...):
    Returns an array where the n-th element is an array of the n-th
elements from each of the arrays p, q, ..."

The last words are the most significant: "the arrays p, q,".  So zip
needs arrays.  But are your two arguments arrays?  Let's use the
Firebug plug-in for Firefox (basically the best JS development tool in
existence) to find out.  If you don't have Firebug you can use alert
or using the Mochikit logger instead.

// From the Firebug console
>>> "This\nis\na\ntest".split("\n")
["This", "is", "a", "test"]
>>> isArrayLike("This\nis\na\ntest".split("\n"))

So far so good, now on to argument #2:
>>> repeat(BR())
>>> repr(repeat(BR()))
"repeat([object HTMLBRElement])"
>>> isArrayLike(repeat(BR()))

And you see your problem.  But what is this HTMLBRElement thing?  It's
an iterator, and we can see how it works by again using Firebug:
>>> keys(repeat(BR()))
["repr", "toString", "next"]

toString and repr we've already seen (both just result in
"repeat([object HTMLBRElement])"), but next() is more interesting:
>>> repeat(BR()).next()

There's the <br> you've been trying to get at this whole time.  So
what's the moral of the story?  Well first off, don't use the Iter
library functions with non-Iter functions unless they were
specifically designed to do so; instead, use them with other Iter
library functions like "list":
>>> zip(text, list(repeat(BR(), text.length)));
[["This", br], ["is", br], ["a", br], ["test", br]]

I think appendChildNodes handles flattening that mess for you, but if
not just use the function.  Also, note "text.length" in that code;
without it you script will take an infinite loop (list will keep
calling repeat(BR()).next() over and over expecting it to stop, but it
won't because you didn't define a limit).

Hope that helped.


On Apr 26, 3:35 am, Christoph Zwerschke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm somewhat at a loss with the following.
> Why does Test 1 display the newlines, but Test 2 does not?
> ------
> <html><head><title>MochiKit Test</title>
> <script src="MochiKit.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
> </head><body>
> <h2>Test 1</h2><p id="test1"/>
> <h2>Test 2</h2><p id="test2"/>
> <script type="text/javascript">
> text ="This\nis\na\ntest";
> text = text.split('\n');
> test1 = zip(text, [BR(), BR(), BR(), BR()]);
> appendChildNodes("test1", test1);
> test2 = zip(text, repeat(BR()));
> appendChildNodes("test2", test2);
> </script>
> </body></html>
> ------
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