After looking at jQuery recently, I became interested in the idea of
adding core object prototype functions. Imagine if, instead of the
normal MochiKit syntax, you could do:

var a = someObject.clone(); // var a = clone(someObject);
var b = [].isArrayLike(); // var b = isArrayLike([]);
var c = someFunction.partial("arg1"); // var c = partial(someFunction,

Basically, all you need to do is add every MochiKit.Base function as a
method of object.prototype, while at the same time pre-pending "this"
as the first argument.  Here's some (relatively untested) code I wrote
to do just that:

var objectMethodExportList = clone(MochiKit.Base.EXPORT);
// Exclude concat to avoid conflict with Array.concat
forEach(objectMethodExportList, function(x) {
        Object.prototype[x] = function() {
                return MochiKit.Base[x].apply(this, extend([this], arguments));

You could do the same thing with the DOM library and
Element.prototype, and various other Mochikit functions as well (eg.
"var a =A(); a.connect("onclick", someFunction);").

However, even just my initial tests showed some obvious problems.  For
instance, consider
the keys function: it will return a ton of new properties (because
methods are properties in JavaScript) on any object you pass to it.

So before I waste a bunch of time trying to fix such issues, I thought
it might help to ask if anyone else had played around with this sort
of thing before.  Or for that matter, is anyone actually using
anything like this?  If so, I'd love to hear about your experience.

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