I am running Ubuntu and have just discovered MochiKit in the
repositories. I attempted to start it with smjs, but I ran into an
error. I apparently needed MochiKit.MockDOM. I found it [online] [1]
on another site than mochikit's because their track server is down.
This seemed rather old. Sure enough, though, I loaded mockdom.js and
then loaded mochikit.js and it solved the error, but created another.

Sample output:

    $ js
    js> load('MochiKit.js')
    MochiKit.js:3506: TypeError: this._document has no properties
    js> load('MockDOM.js')
    js> load('MochiKit.js')
    MochiKit.js:4323: ReferenceError: navigator is not defined

Does somebody have a more recent version of mockdom that works with


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