On Dec 4, 5:58 am, Per Cederberg <p...@percederberg.net> wrote:

> In your case, why wouldn't you just attach the signal when creating
> the element? Otherwise you'd have to listen to any DOM modification
> and possibly attach signals to elements added. And that use case
> sounds pretty specific to me.

In the simple case, yes, I could just add the event when I create the
DOM elements.

However, my current project (Ruby on Rails with jQuery) does a lot of
AJAX calls to pull in new bits of HTML. If I want to register for
events for those DOM elements, it's easy with jQuery.live.

jQuery has two ways to register for events

$("selector").event(function (){}...)    <--- "selector" must exist

and $("selector").live('event', function(){}...)   <-- "selector" can
exist in the future, doesn't have to now

It seemed to me that MochiKit.Signal.connect might be a more
consistant way (aka: One Way To Do It) to do this, if the source
didn't have to exist at time of connect.

> BTW. If you'd like to contribute patches to the MochiKit project, it
> would be much easier if you forked the project on GitHub I think.

Thanks. I've seen mochikit on Github (and +2 for me: I've seen lots of
activity lately, I think partially due to the Github move)

Bob Ippolito said:

> That said, I think jQuery Live style functionality is useful, and I
> certainly wouldn't mind seeing some additional module to support it.

That's what I'm thinking, actually: some kind of
MochiKit.BetterSignal.connect that :

(Python looking pseudo code ahead)

if src exists:
    # add it to some list of DOM elements we are waiting for, and when
the DOM changes we look for it

That with some selector support from MochiKit.Selector might be get me
where I want to go.

Maybe I'll throw a few experiments together and push it to a GitHub
repo. (I'll let the list know)

Hope this helps,
_Ryan Wilcox

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