On Fri, Jun 24, 2016 at 12:28 PM, Aleksander Morgado
<aleksan...@aleksander.es> wrote:
>>> I also have one (Sierra with USB ID 1199:9079).  Just found out that I
>>> need to rebuild a few things from git branches and was planning on
>>> trying to get to that today or tomorrow.
>> I've actually bought one new myself; I should have it here by
>> tomorrow. Let's see if we can have a proper fix soon and we release
>> 1.6.0 with all this.
> Ok, so Amazon sent me a Telit LN930 instead of a Sierra Wireless
> EM7355 (I explicitly asked for the EM7355, even checked the part
> numbers) :(
> I asked for a replacement, so I hope the second time it's the correct one.

EM7455, not EM7355 :) I asked for a "Lenovo ThinkPad em7455 4G LTE
WWAN Card Sierra".

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