Am Mittwoch, den 11.01.2017, 16:01 +0100 schrieb Lars Knudsen:
> If it can be invoked via DBus - what is the harm to only do the scan
> for the greylisted (in this case webusb) modems when the user
> actually wants to search for a modem (like a printer) - and leave the
> poor devices alone otherwise?  In headless systems, it will not be
> the same problem as they will most probably be custom made anyway.

Why have a list at all? Would you want the kernel to do an unrequested
probe of a device (function) with WebUSB descriptors at all?
It seems to me that the finest granularity you might need is by
device class, e.g. probing HID devices, so you don't block
the keyboard.


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