I have some doubts after checking your response:

>>>> >> In our case we have switched the modem to mbim mode to be able to
> receive / be aware of sim removal notifications.
> >>>> >>
> >>>>
> >>>> > Didn't we already add the SIM removal notifications in QMI modems?
> >>>> > Have you tried with ModemManager git master recently?
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>> Since which version are SIM removal notifications active for QMI
> modems ?  I am not sure if our system will support the latest MM release.
> >>> Is it ModemManager 1.16.0 ?
> https://github.com/freedesktop/ModemManager/blob/master/NEWS#L111
> >>>
> >>
> >>You can try with 1.16.0 or 1.16.2, yes.

As I am using Yocto and it seems it just supports MM until 1.12.12 I
believe I will need to wait to use this functionality with QMI.

> >>
> >>>>
> >>>> >> Are QMI WDS indications still received when modem is in MBIM mode?
> >>>> >>
> >>>>
> >>>> > No, but you would get "Basic Connect" "Connect" "Notification"
> >>>> > messages, or at least that's what should happen when
> network-initiated
> >>>> > disconnections happen.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> I am not sure I understand this correctly, what is the notification
> received when modem gets disconnected ? Is it a "Disconnected" notification
> or just a transition from "Connected" to "Registered" ?
> >>>
> >>
> >>If using the MBIM protocol, what you receive upon a network-initiated
> >>disconnection would be a "Notification" of type "Connect" (that's just
> >>the message name) in the "Basic Connect" service specifying that the
> >>"activation state" field is "deactivated"
> >>
> >>See
> https://www.freedesktop.org/software/libmbim/libmbim-glib/latest/libmbim-glib-Basic-Connect.html#mbim-message-connect-notification-parse

My modem (EM7455) is using MBIM protocol but I am controlling it with Modem
Manager, not with mbim-glib.
Question here: Does this imply that I need to use mbim-glib to be aware of
these notifications ? Is it not possible to be aware of this notifications
via ModemManager High-level API ?

Thank you.

Best regards,
Alejandro Vega
ModemManager-devel mailing list

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