
I have a successful internet connection with mmcli, but there is no AT
port. So I cannot send AT commands.

  Hardware |             manufacturer: Sierra Wireless, Incorporated
           |                    model: Sierra Wireless EM9191

  System   |                   device:
           |                  drivers: cdc_mbim
           |                   plugin: sierra
           |             primary port: cdc-wdm0
           |                    ports: cdc-wdm0 (mbim), wwan0 (net)

Do you have any idea why?

# uname -a
Linux 5.14.0-2-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.14.9-2 (2021-10-03) x86_64 GNU/Linux

# mmcli --version
mmcli 1.14.12


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