On 12/4/21 1:31 PM, James Thomas wrote:
Evening all,

I’ve been racking my brains trying to figure out how I might, in OpenWRT, get modemmanager and netifd to ‘passthrough’ the IP assigned in the bearer when making an mbim connection to a client connecting to eth1.

My aim, as I’m sure is apparent, is to make OpenWRT transparent to the device connected to eth1 whilst granting that device access to the data connection made through modemmanager, OpenWRT and the Sierra EM7455 card.

Good luck. We do passthrough in out solution, but it was a a lot of work, and I don't think it would be entirely appropriate to reveal all the details (some
pieces are proprietary anyway).

What I can say is that ModemManager as it stands, isn't up to it - the OpenWrt
setup needs a new protocol for this type of connection. To that end, we don't
presently use ModemManager in this case; I did start work on such a protocol,
but without fixing up all the other pieces, it's of limited use. Maybe it's
something I can contribute one day.

Also, this would be a bridging setup, vs the default NAT setup in OpenWrt,
but I think that's pretty obvious.


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