On Mon, 7 Dec 1998, Robin Hood wrote:

> 'graham smith is the coolest person alive' by the Kleenex Girl Wonder
> in my opinion, is thee album of the year hands down. its sad more

On an interesting note, I traded graham a copy of a Guided By Voices live tape from
here, for free nachos and a copy of his cd. weirdest trade i've ever done. almost.

> albums recently released i need to hear first(new karate, metronome,
> silver jews, stereolab..) but other great releases are the albums
> by tiara, boyish charms, princeton reverbs, and elliott

for anyone that hasn't checked out Karate live, do yourself a favor and see
them. (tiara opened up to boot).

Also, Metronome's new tape 'lime green' tape came out, and the 12" split with Orange
Cake Mix is out now as well.

> no new smog album this year??? strange.

Jan 19th (?). 


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