I thought the first one was called "one" and I know for sure that the new,
second album is called "Two." Hope that helps. Am I missing out on
something here? Everyone I know is talking about these people and I haven't
heard 'em yet. Their show in Albuquerque is next week, so I might go just
to see what all the fuss is about. I'm STILL trying to figure out why
everyone is so in love with the Olivia Tremor Control album. What a bunch
of goddamned noise! Ick.

If anyone ever needs a 15 page paper on the evolution of mating strategies,
let me know. Hey, I'll even trade it for a Modest Mouse Japanese Tour EP. 

Who else is signed to Epic? I can't think of anybody even remotely good. 


At 12:30 AM 6/25/99 EDT, you wrote:
>hi, i've picked up on this...
>what are the names of the albums by black heart procession?
>and what do they sound like, because i've heard a lot about them?

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