I cut out the questions for which I had no intelligent answer...
> >1.Who are you/where do you reside/how old are you?
Karina Longworth, Esq. ...  Chicago ...  19
> >2.What is your favorite mouse song?
Today it is Broke.
> >3.What are five records you couldn't live without
Joan of Arc, "Live in Chicago"
Fiona Apple, "When the Pawn"
Beatles, "Abbey Road"
The Verve, "A Northern Soul"
U-ziq vs. The Autuers

> >5.  Ebay, bad or good?
Ebay is a wondeful, wonderful thing. Not only have I bought my favorite purse, my #5 
most essential album above, and my best Super 8 camera from Ebay, but my boyfriend 
made enough money selling stuff on it to keep him from having to work. Yes, Ebay saves 

> >7.  Do you own the Japaneese Tour EP?
> >8.  First live show?
Lolapalooza 91
> >9.  Worst live show?
Compared with previous exalted expectations, The Verve, second night at the Mayan, 
November 1997
> >10.  Favorite sound?
A DV tape being run in play rewind.

> 12.  girls posting their pictures and email addresses
> >on the internet bad/good?
Very Good. We are all very, very hot, I think. There should be a Girls Of The Modest 
Mouse List calender 
> >13.  What book should every person in america read?
At age 14: Girl by Blake Nelson
After age 16: The History of Luminous Motion by Scott Bradfield

> >15.  Wearing the t-shirt of the band you are going to
> >see?
Well, to be polite about it: Band t-shirts are pretty dressed down, and i like to 
dress up when I go to shows. 
> >16.  Modest Mouse list being oft-off the topic
> >bad/good?
good.To paraphrase what someone previously said: this is the only list i've enjooyed 
being on for as long as I've been on it. Hey! Its been almost 2 years fo me!
> >17.  Favorite beer?
Domestic:Rolling rock
Cheap imported: Newcastle or Corona
Real Imported: Guiness 

> 19.  What are you going to name your first born child?
Madelaine or Tisch 
> >20.  Five favorite movies (the question that tells
> >tons about a person)?

Chungking Express
Julien Donkey Boy
Say Anything
Either "Pierrot le fou" or "A woman is a Woman"

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