> > The only question I still want to ask you is why do we care about the
> > parse time, when mod_perl is a preloaded and precompiled. 
> again, this is not the only reason.  however, i do think it's important to
> speed up parse time if possible.  
> consider t/TEST
>         print "still waiting for server to warm up...";
>     }
>     for (1..4) {
>         sleep $_;
>         if (simple_fetch "/test.html") {
>             print "ok\n";
>         }
>         else {
>             print "...";
>         }
>     }
> that is sad.  consider PerlFreshRestart and graceful restart.
> it doesn't take much effort to type '' instead of "".  it might not make
> that much of a difference in parse time, but it doesn't hurt either.
> can we please drop this topic, there's plenty more important things to
> worry about.

<A load smashing sound of "this topic" hitting the wall ;>

Stas Bekman             | JAm_pH    --    Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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