Author: stevehay
Date: Fri Oct 15 08:50:16 2021
New Revision: 1894282

Parse apr.h with a C preprocessor

mod_perl's build script parses /usr/include/apr-1/apr.h for detecting
APR_HAS_THREADS preprocessor symbol to decide whether APR library
supports threads. Then APR::ThreadMutex module is built only if APR
library was built with threads support.

But /usr/include/apr-1/apr.h on some architectures (e.g. not on aarch64)
is a wrapper for the real platform-specific header file. As a result
mod_perl was erroneously built without APR::ThreadMutex module.

This patch replaces opening that header file with executing
a C preprocessor for the header file. That restores compatibility
with the multilib-sanitized /usr/include/apr-1/apr.h header file (e.g.
on x86_64).

This patch uses safe more-than-3-list form of piped open(). This is
not supported on Windows Perl < 5.022.
Signed-off-by: Petr Písař <>

[Modified from the original patch on
by the committer to retain the old style for WIN32 since
we need to support perls older than 5.022.]


Modified: perl/modperl/trunk/lib/Apache2/
--- perl/modperl/trunk/lib/Apache2/ (original)
+++ perl/modperl/trunk/lib/Apache2/ Fri Oct 15 08:50:16 2021
@@ -1493,11 +1493,21 @@ sub get_apr_config {
     return $self->{apr_config} if $self->{apr_config};
+    my $fh;
     my $header = catfile $self->apr_includedir, "apr.h";
-    open my $fh, $header or do {
-        error "Unable to open $header: $!";
-        return undef;
-    };
+    if (WIN32) {
+        open $fh, $header or do {
+            error "Unable to open $header: $!";
+            return undef;
+        };
+    }
+    else {
+        my @command = ($self->perl_config('cpp'), '-dM', $header);
+        open $fh, '-|', @command or do {
+            error "Unable to preprocess $header with @command: $!";
+            return undef;
+        };
+    }
     my %cfg;
     while (<$fh>) {

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