Modified: perl/site/embperl/de/pod/Changes.-page-20-.htm
--- perl/site/embperl/de/pod/Changes.-page-20-.htm (original)
+++ perl/site/embperl/de/pod/Changes.-page-20-.htm Fri Nov 24 21:28:20 2023
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
                   <td nowrap align="left" width=2>&nbsp;</td>
                  <td nowrap align="left" width=15><img 
src="../../images/i-sub-off.gif"  width="11" height="11" vspace="6" 
-                  <td nowrap align="left" width=125><a 
+                  <td nowrap align="left" width=125><a 
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@
        <td align="left" background="../../images//hintergrund-nav.gif"> 
          <table width="152" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
-                  <td nowrap with="152" height=22>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
href="../pod/INSTALL.htm"><span class="cMenu">Stable 2.5.0</span></a></td>
+                  <td nowrap with="152" height=22>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
href="../pod/doc/Embperl.-page-12-.htm"><span class="cMenu">Stable 
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@
        <td align="left" background="../../images//hintergrund-nav.gif"> 
          <table width="152" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
-                  <td nowrap with="152" height=22>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
href="../pod/INSTALL.htm"><span class="cMenu">Beta 3.0.0-rc.2</span></a></td>
+                  <td nowrap with="152" height=22>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
href="../pod/doc/Embperl.-page-12-.htm"><span class="cMenu">Beta 
@@ -303,35 +303,95 @@
                 <td valign="top" width="90%" class="cContent"><table 
width="100%"><tr><td  valign="top" width="95%">
-<table xmlns=""; width="100%" border="0" 
cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6"><tr><td class="cPodH1">2.0b5 (BETA) 27. Nov. 
2001</td></tr></table><a xmlns=""; 
name="top"><table width="100%"><tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-19-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
-                                [ &lt;&lt; Prev: 2.0b6 (BETA) 13. Mar. 2002 ]
+<table xmlns=""; width="100%" border="0" 
cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6"><tr><td class="cPodH1">2.0b6 (BETA) 13. Mar. 
2002</td></tr></table><a xmlns=""; 
name="top"><table width="100%"><tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-19-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
+                                [ &lt;&lt; Prev: 2.0b7 (BETA) 21. Mar. 2002 ]
                             </a></td><td align="center" valign="top" 
width="10%"><a href="Changes.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">[ Content 
]</a></td><td align="right" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-21-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
-                                [ Next: 2.0b4 (BETA) 20. Nov. 2001 &gt;&gt; ]
-                            </a></td></tr></table></a><pre 
xmlns=""; class="cPodVerbatim">   - Add 
xsltparam parameter which takes a hashref and is used to
-     pass parameters to the xslt processor. If not given defaults
-     to %fdat.
-   - Add require URI::URL to so make test work with newer LWP.
-     Patch from Jonathan Stowe.
-   - Fixed problem in registry/tied test, which failed for some Apache
-     versions because of addtional http header. Patch from Jonathan Stowe.
-   - Fixed problem with comments inside [! !] blocks. Reported by
-     Alan Milligan.
-   - Fixed compiling problem with very recent versions of libxslt.
-     Reported by Michael Stevens and Jonathan Stowe.
-   - Fixed make test so it skips session tests if Apache::SessionX isn't 
-     installed. Reported by from Jonathan Stowe.
-   - Fixed path problem with Execute ({sub =&gt; foo,... }) on win32.
-   - Fixed a problem with duplicate subroutine names when running
-     multiple pages in the same package.
-   - Fixed problem with reloading when file changed, which sometimes
-     didn't reload correctly in 2.0b4
-   - Fixed memory leak which occured when using libxslt.
-   - Fixed MakeMaker problem with Perl 5.7.1.
-   - Removed some uninitialized value warnings.
-   - Added "make start" and "make stop" to start and stop test httpd</pre><hr 
xmlns=""; name="top"><table 
width="100%"><tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-19-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
-                                [ &lt;&lt; Prev: 2.0b6 (BETA) 13. Mar. 2002 ]
+                                [ Next: 2.0b5 (BETA) 27. Nov. 2001 &gt;&gt; ]
+                            </a></td></tr></table></a><pre 
xmlns=""; class="cPodVerbatim">   - Embperl 
have move from the namespace HTML::Embperl to Embperl.
+     This is because Embperl is no longer only a HTML framework,
+     but is suitable for other formats like XML too. Also this allows
+     to install Embperl 1.x and 2.x on the same machine without
+     conflicts, to make a smooth upgrade.
+   - Rewrote Embperl internal data structures. The Embperl request
+     structure is now splitted into thread, application, request
+     and component structure. 
+   - Moved nearly all of the per request/component initialization code
+     from Perl to C. Together with the optimized data structures, this
+     speeds up request/component initialization, which is especialy a
+     performance improvement for pages that  do a lot calls to
+     Execute (up to 50% for small includes).
+   - All members of these structures now available form Perl
+     which avoids using mod_perl Apache object and enviroment 
+     variables in most cases, makeing the resulting pages more 
+     independend from the environment they run under. On the other
+     side this gives quite a few new possibilities to influence
+     what Embperl is doing, especialy together with Embperl::Object.
+   - Introduced new application object which holds together a set
+     of pages and allows to configure the Embperl logfile and session
+     handling different for each application.
+   - Added Embperl::Object application object, which is invoked during
+     request initialization. Any application code can now go there.
+     This allows a proper separation of Code and Design and building of
+     MVC (Model, Controller, View), 2-Tier and 3-Tier applications
+     with Embperl.
+   - Added EMBPERL_APP_HANDLER_CLASS to set the application object
+     for Embperl pages, when not using Embperl::Object
+   - Embperl now uses nativ Apache configuration directives instead
+     of enviroment variables when running under mod_perl. You need to
+     load Embperl before you can use any of them, either via 
+     "PerlModule Embperl" or via "use Embperl" inside of a startup script.
+     "Embperl_UseEnv on" is provided to get the old behaviour of using
+     environment variables for configuration.
+   - The default for input unescaping is now set to off. So people which are
+     working with an text editor should be happy, people who are using any
+     sort of HTML editor should use EMBPERL_INPUT_ESCMODE to set the way
+     Embperl interprets the input.
+   - Added new configuration directives EMBPERL_INPUT_ESCMODE which controls
+     the unescaping of the input. This superseds the old optRawInput and 
+     allows a more differentiated control.
+   - Added form data validation. Embperl is now capable to do server-side
+     and client-side validation of form input. You just have to define
+     a set of rules and Embperl generates the correct JavaScript code and
+     does the validation when the form data is posted to the server. By
+     writing or overriding class, the validatior could be extented.
+     See Embperl::Form::Validate for details.
+   - Added [= foo =] block and $r -&gt; gettext method for page localization. 
+     When the page is executed the 'foo' is replaced with a localizied
+     message for the current language.
+   - Added methods r -&gt; messages and r -&gt; default_messages to define 
+     current message set for current language during application init.
+   - Added utility to extrcat message ids from Embperl pages 
+     and put them in a Data::Dumper or dbm file.
+   - Simplified the definition of the recipe structure. This allows much 
+     more intuitiv definition of a new recipe.
+   - A recipe struture can now also be passed directly to the Execute 
+     function as parameter.
+   - The get_recipe function now can be overriden by a custom application
+     object.
+   - Enhanced POD parser. Now generates a similar output as pod2xml,
+     which is better suitable for XSLT processing. Also the POD
+     parser now can pasers POD out of other Embperl files.
+   - Fixed problem with parameter passing to xslt processors, which
+     were always ignored on the first request.
+   - Renamed configuration directive EMBPERL_FILESMATCH to
+     EMBPERL_URIMATCH to better describe what it is doing.
+   - exit works now outside of [$ sub $]
+   - New configuration directive EMBPERL_SESSION_MODE allows
+     to configure to pass session inside of the QUERY_STRING
+   - Embperl doesn't add's a \r\n at the end of textfiles 
+     anymore.
+   - Moved send_error_page and mail_errors into Embperl::App, so they can
+     be overridden by a custom application object.
+   - Added configuration directives EMBPERL_MAIL_ERRORS_LIMIT,     
+     to limit the number of errors send in a small time.
+   - When running under Embperl::Object all sourcefiles including for
+     example xsl stylesheets are now search throught the searchpath.
+   - Fixed a bug that causes input fields and textarea field to not
+     autofilled anymore after a sub was called. Reported by Kee 
Hinckley.</pre><hr xmlns="";></hr><a 
xmlns=""; name="top"><table 
width="100%"><tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-19-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
+                                [ &lt;&lt; Prev: 2.0b7 (BETA) 21. Mar. 2002 ]
                             </a></td><td align="center" valign="top" 
width="10%"><a href="Changes.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">[ Content 
]</a></td><td align="right" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-21-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
-                                [ Next: 2.0b4 (BETA) 20. Nov. 2001 &gt;&gt; ]
+                                [ Next: 2.0b5 (BETA) 27. Nov. 2001 &gt;&gt; ]

Modified: perl/site/embperl/de/pod/Changes.-page-21-.htm
--- perl/site/embperl/de/pod/Changes.-page-21-.htm (original)
+++ perl/site/embperl/de/pod/Changes.-page-21-.htm Fri Nov 24 21:28:20 2023
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
                   <td nowrap align="left" width=2>&nbsp;</td>
                  <td nowrap align="left" width=15><img 
src="../../images/i-sub-off.gif"  width="11" height="11" vspace="6" 
-                  <td nowrap align="left" width=125><a 
+                  <td nowrap align="left" width=125><a 
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@
        <td align="left" background="../../images//hintergrund-nav.gif"> 
          <table width="152" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
-                  <td nowrap with="152" height=22>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
href="../pod/INSTALL.htm"><span class="cMenu">Stable 2.5.0</span></a></td>
+                  <td nowrap with="152" height=22>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
href="../pod/doc/Embperl.-page-12-.htm"><span class="cMenu">Stable 
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@
        <td align="left" background="../../images//hintergrund-nav.gif"> 
          <table width="152" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
-                  <td nowrap with="152" height=22>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
href="../pod/INSTALL.htm"><span class="cMenu">Beta 3.0.0-rc.2</span></a></td>
+                  <td nowrap with="152" height=22>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
href="../pod/doc/Embperl.-page-12-.htm"><span class="cMenu">Beta 
@@ -303,46 +303,35 @@
                 <td valign="top" width="90%" class="cContent"><table 
width="100%"><tr><td  valign="top" width="95%">
-<table xmlns=""; width="100%" border="0" 
cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6"><tr><td class="cPodH1">2.0b4 (BETA) 20. Nov. 
2001</td></tr></table><a xmlns=""; 
name="top"><table width="100%"><tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-20-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
-                                [ &lt;&lt; Prev: 2.0b5 (BETA) 27. Nov. 2001 ]
+<table xmlns=""; width="100%" border="0" 
cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6"><tr><td class="cPodH1">2.0b5 (BETA) 27. Nov. 
2001</td></tr></table><a xmlns=""; 
name="top"><table width="100%"><tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-20-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
+                                [ &lt;&lt; Prev: 2.0b6 (BETA) 13. Mar. 2002 ]
                             </a></td><td align="center" valign="top" 
width="10%"><a href="Changes.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">[ Content 
]</a></td><td align="right" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-22-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
-                                [ Next: 2.0b3 (BETA) 9. July 2001 &gt;&gt; ]
-                            </a></td></tr></table></a><pre 
xmlns=""; class="cPodVerbatim">   - 
Enhancements for RTF syntax, allowing no IF fields and passes
-     thru any unkown fields.
-   - Fixed problem when loading syntax. Spotted by Michael Stevens.
-   - Allow Perl code inside of HTML attributes in ASP syntax, together with
-     EmbperlHTML syntax. Spotted by Ivan G. Shevchenko.
-   - Added POD syntax, which converts POD to XML, which can transformed to
-     any other output format using XSLT.
-   - Enhanced Makefile.PL to support plugins for linking of extra libraries.
-   - Added support for libxslt
-   - Added support for Xalan-C XSLT
-   - Added the concept of recipes which allows to dynamicly tell Embperl
-     how to process a request. A recipe is basicly a tree structure
-     with put different providers together. Every provider can act 
-     upon the output of the preceeding providers. See README.v2
-     and perldoc HTML::Embperl::Recipe for more details.
-   - Added new configuration directive EMBPERL_RECIPE/Execute parameter 
-     recipe, which tells Embperl how a file should be processed. 
-   - Added recipes for XSLT transformation.
-   - Rebuild cache management to work together with recipes. Now every
-     intermediate step could be cached.
-   - Add new debug flags dbgOutput, dbgRun, dbgCache, dbgCompile, dbgXML,
-     dbgXSLT, dbgCheckpoint, dbgDOM to have a more fine control what's
-     going into the log file
-   - Changes in Embperl's internal tree representation, to fix serveral
-     small problems and in preparation for proper XML handling.
-   - print OUT inside loop works now correctly      
-   - Added new escmode 8/15 which generates correct XML escaping. 
-   - $row_foo will no longer treated as $row. Bug reported by Dave Fischer. 
-   - Add patch from Wim Kerkhoff so SSI syntax works together with 
-     EmbperlObject, i.e. included files are searched in the same way as
-     normal Embperl files.
-   - Add new method AddTagInside in HTML::Embperl::Syntax::HTML to allow
-     tags inside of other tags.</pre><hr 
xmlns=""; name="top"><table 
width="100%"><tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-20-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
-                                [ &lt;&lt; Prev: 2.0b5 (BETA) 27. Nov. 2001 ]
+                                [ Next: 2.0b4 (BETA) 20. Nov. 2001 &gt;&gt; ]
+                            </a></td></tr></table></a><pre 
xmlns=""; class="cPodVerbatim">   - Add 
xsltparam parameter which takes a hashref and is used to
+     pass parameters to the xslt processor. If not given defaults
+     to %fdat.
+   - Add require URI::URL to so make test work with newer LWP.
+     Patch from Jonathan Stowe.
+   - Fixed problem in registry/tied test, which failed for some Apache
+     versions because of addtional http header. Patch from Jonathan Stowe.
+   - Fixed problem with comments inside [! !] blocks. Reported by
+     Alan Milligan.
+   - Fixed compiling problem with very recent versions of libxslt.
+     Reported by Michael Stevens and Jonathan Stowe.
+   - Fixed make test so it skips session tests if Apache::SessionX isn't 
+     installed. Reported by from Jonathan Stowe.
+   - Fixed path problem with Execute ({sub =&gt; foo,... }) on win32.
+   - Fixed a problem with duplicate subroutine names when running
+     multiple pages in the same package.
+   - Fixed problem with reloading when file changed, which sometimes
+     didn't reload correctly in 2.0b4
+   - Fixed memory leak which occured when using libxslt.
+   - Fixed MakeMaker problem with Perl 5.7.1.
+   - Removed some uninitialized value warnings.
+   - Added "make start" and "make stop" to start and stop test httpd</pre><hr 
xmlns=""; name="top"><table 
width="100%"><tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-20-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
+                                [ &lt;&lt; Prev: 2.0b6 (BETA) 13. Mar. 2002 ]
                             </a></td><td align="center" valign="top" 
width="10%"><a href="Changes.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">[ Content 
]</a></td><td align="right" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-22-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
-                                [ Next: 2.0b3 (BETA) 9. July 2001 &gt;&gt; ]
+                                [ Next: 2.0b4 (BETA) 20. Nov. 2001 &gt;&gt; ]

Modified: perl/site/embperl/de/pod/Changes.-page-22-.htm
--- perl/site/embperl/de/pod/Changes.-page-22-.htm (original)
+++ perl/site/embperl/de/pod/Changes.-page-22-.htm Fri Nov 24 21:28:20 2023
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
                   <td nowrap align="left" width=2>&nbsp;</td>
                  <td nowrap align="left" width=15><img 
src="../../images/i-sub-off.gif"  width="11" height="11" vspace="6" 
-                  <td nowrap align="left" width=125><a 
+                  <td nowrap align="left" width=125><a 
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@
        <td align="left" background="../../images//hintergrund-nav.gif"> 
          <table width="152" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
-                  <td nowrap with="152" height=22>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
href="../pod/INSTALL.htm"><span class="cMenu">Stable 2.5.0</span></a></td>
+                  <td nowrap with="152" height=22>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
href="../pod/doc/Embperl.-page-12-.htm"><span class="cMenu">Stable 
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@
        <td align="left" background="../../images//hintergrund-nav.gif"> 
          <table width="152" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
-                  <td nowrap with="152" height=22>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
href="../pod/INSTALL.htm"><span class="cMenu">Beta 3.0.0-rc.2</span></a></td>
+                  <td nowrap with="152" height=22>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
href="../pod/doc/Embperl.-page-12-.htm"><span class="cMenu">Beta 
@@ -303,43 +303,46 @@
                 <td valign="top" width="90%" class="cContent"><table 
width="100%"><tr><td  valign="top" width="95%">
-<table xmlns=""; width="100%" border="0" 
cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6"><tr><td class="cPodH1">2.0b3 (BETA) 9. July 
2001</td></tr></table><a xmlns=""; 
name="top"><table width="100%"><tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-21-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
-                                [ &lt;&lt; Prev: 2.0b4 (BETA) 20. Nov. 2001 ]
+<table xmlns=""; width="100%" border="0" 
cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6"><tr><td class="cPodH1">2.0b4 (BETA) 20. Nov. 
2001</td></tr></table><a xmlns=""; 
name="top"><table width="100%"><tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-21-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
+                                [ &lt;&lt; Prev: 2.0b5 (BETA) 27. Nov. 2001 ]
                             </a></td><td align="center" valign="top" 
width="10%"><a href="Changes.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">[ Content 
]</a></td><td align="right" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-23-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
-                                [ Next: 2.0b2 (BETA)  29. Mar 2001 &gt;&gt; ]
-                            </a></td></tr></table></a><pre 
xmlns=""; class="cPodVerbatim">   - correct 
package handling in EP1COMPAT mode
-   - compiles now with sun-cc. Patches from Michael Stevens.
-   - fixed several bugs that caused weired behaviour with nested subs
-     and tables.
-   - fixed a bug that caused Embperl to stop when it sees a checkbox
-     inside a loop, for which no value is in %fdat.   
-   - fixed a bug that caused Embperl alias a value in %fdat and %idat
-   - Execute work now also on the very first line of a file. Spotted 
-     by Michael Smith.
-   - [- -] can now contain Perl comments. Spotted by Michael Stevens.
-   - [- -] can now start with =pod. Spotted by Jonny Cavell.   
-   - fixed a parser error so &lt;[+ $foo +]&gt; generates the correct result.
-     Spotted by Michael Stevens.
-   - fixed bug in Node_insertAfter which may cause a single Execute
-     on the second line of a file to loop endless. Spotted by
-     Janny Cavell.
-   - Embperl doesn't search for attributes inside of quotes inside of
-     html tags anymore. Spotted by Ian Van der Poel.
-   - type=checkbox|radio is now case insensitiv as it should. Spotted
-     by Jonny Cavell.
-   - print OUT and Execute now works together. Spotted by Jonny Cavell.
-   - Embperl doesn't insert a linefeed after an Execute anymore.
-   - Embperl now keeps single or double quote the same as in the source
-     file. Requested by Jonny Cavell.
-   - [$hidden$] works now correctly inside of loops. Spotted by Jonny Cavell.
-   - The parser now checks for the correct end of an html tag. Spotted
-     by Jonny Cavell.
-   - Added RTF syntax. This allows you for example to create serial letters
-     with your favorite word processing program, save them as RTF and process 
-     them with Embperl. See HTML::Embperl::Syntax::RTF for docs.</pre><hr 
xmlns=""; name="top"><table 
width="100%"><tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-21-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
-                                [ &lt;&lt; Prev: 2.0b4 (BETA) 20. Nov. 2001 ]
+                                [ Next: 2.0b3 (BETA) 9. July 2001 &gt;&gt; ]
+                            </a></td></tr></table></a><pre 
xmlns=""; class="cPodVerbatim">   - 
Enhancements for RTF syntax, allowing no IF fields and passes
+     thru any unkown fields.
+   - Fixed problem when loading syntax. Spotted by Michael Stevens.
+   - Allow Perl code inside of HTML attributes in ASP syntax, together with
+     EmbperlHTML syntax. Spotted by Ivan G. Shevchenko.
+   - Added POD syntax, which converts POD to XML, which can transformed to
+     any other output format using XSLT.
+   - Enhanced Makefile.PL to support plugins for linking of extra libraries.
+   - Added support for libxslt
+   - Added support for Xalan-C XSLT
+   - Added the concept of recipes which allows to dynamicly tell Embperl
+     how to process a request. A recipe is basicly a tree structure
+     with put different providers together. Every provider can act 
+     upon the output of the preceeding providers. See README.v2
+     and perldoc HTML::Embperl::Recipe for more details.
+   - Added new configuration directive EMBPERL_RECIPE/Execute parameter 
+     recipe, which tells Embperl how a file should be processed. 
+   - Added recipes for XSLT transformation.
+   - Rebuild cache management to work together with recipes. Now every
+     intermediate step could be cached.
+   - Add new debug flags dbgOutput, dbgRun, dbgCache, dbgCompile, dbgXML,
+     dbgXSLT, dbgCheckpoint, dbgDOM to have a more fine control what's
+     going into the log file
+   - Changes in Embperl's internal tree representation, to fix serveral
+     small problems and in preparation for proper XML handling.
+   - print OUT inside loop works now correctly      
+   - Added new escmode 8/15 which generates correct XML escaping. 
+   - $row_foo will no longer treated as $row. Bug reported by Dave Fischer. 
+   - Add patch from Wim Kerkhoff so SSI syntax works together with 
+     EmbperlObject, i.e. included files are searched in the same way as
+     normal Embperl files.
+   - Add new method AddTagInside in HTML::Embperl::Syntax::HTML to allow
+     tags inside of other tags.</pre><hr 
xmlns=""; name="top"><table 
width="100%"><tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-21-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
+                                [ &lt;&lt; Prev: 2.0b5 (BETA) 27. Nov. 2001 ]
                             </a></td><td align="center" valign="top" 
width="10%"><a href="Changes.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">[ Content 
]</a></td><td align="right" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-23-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
-                                [ Next: 2.0b2 (BETA)  29. Mar 2001 &gt;&gt; ]
+                                [ Next: 2.0b3 (BETA) 9. July 2001 &gt;&gt; ]

Modified: perl/site/embperl/de/pod/Changes.-page-23-.htm
--- perl/site/embperl/de/pod/Changes.-page-23-.htm (original)
+++ perl/site/embperl/de/pod/Changes.-page-23-.htm Fri Nov 24 21:28:20 2023
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
                   <td nowrap align="left" width=2>&nbsp;</td>
                  <td nowrap align="left" width=15><img 
src="../../images/i-sub-off.gif"  width="11" height="11" vspace="6" 
-                  <td nowrap align="left" width=125><a 
+                  <td nowrap align="left" width=125><a 
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@
        <td align="left" background="../../images//hintergrund-nav.gif"> 
          <table width="152" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
-                  <td nowrap with="152" height=22>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
href="../pod/INSTALL.htm"><span class="cMenu">Stable 2.5.0</span></a></td>
+                  <td nowrap with="152" height=22>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
href="../pod/doc/Embperl.-page-12-.htm"><span class="cMenu">Stable 
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@
        <td align="left" background="../../images//hintergrund-nav.gif"> 
          <table width="152" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
-                  <td nowrap with="152" height=22>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
href="../pod/INSTALL.htm"><span class="cMenu">Beta 3.0.0-rc.2</span></a></td>
+                  <td nowrap with="152" height=22>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
href="../pod/doc/Embperl.-page-12-.htm"><span class="cMenu">Beta 
@@ -303,35 +303,43 @@
                 <td valign="top" width="90%" class="cContent"><table 
width="100%"><tr><td  valign="top" width="95%">
-<table xmlns=""; width="100%" border="0" 
cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6"><tr><td class="cPodH1">2.0b2 (BETA)  29. Mar 
2001</td></tr></table><a xmlns=""; 
name="top"><table width="100%"><tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-22-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
-                                [ &lt;&lt; Prev: 2.0b3 (BETA) 9. July 2001 ]
+<table xmlns=""; width="100%" border="0" 
cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6"><tr><td class="cPodH1">2.0b3 (BETA) 9. July 
2001</td></tr></table><a xmlns=""; 
name="top"><table width="100%"><tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-22-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
+                                [ &lt;&lt; Prev: 2.0b4 (BETA) 20. Nov. 2001 ]
                             </a></td><td align="center" valign="top" 
width="10%"><a href="Changes.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">[ Content 
]</a></td><td align="right" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-24-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
-                                [ Next: 2.0b1 (BETA)  22. Dec 2000 &gt;&gt; ]
-                            </a></td></tr></table></a><pre 
xmlns=""; class="cPodVerbatim">   - Embperl 
files can now debugged via the interavtive debugger.
-     The debugger shows the Embperl page source along with the
-     correct linenumbers. 
-     This works in various ways:
-        # perl interacive command line debugger
-        perl -d file.epl  
-        # ddd graphical debugger (
-        ddd --debugger 'perl -d file.epl'
-        or via Apache::DB under mod_perl
-   - Embperl has now a defined API for creating/adding a new
-     syntax. See perldoc HTML::Embperl::Syntax for details.
-   - Which syntax (also multiple at the same time) 
-     a given page uses can be defined via EMBPERL_SYNTAX configuration
-     directive.
-   - Added Syntax definitions for SSI, Perl and plain Text
-   - New [$ syntax $] metacommand can switch the syntax of the file
-     on the fly. It's also usefull to load addtional taglibs.
-   - print OUT works again
-   - HTML comments are not touched anymore
-   - Embperl doesn't log a warning if a undefined value is in %ENV and
-     dbgEnv is on.
-   - 2.0b2 now contains all contains all changes up to 1.3.2 .</pre><hr 
xmlns=""; name="top"><table 
width="100%"><tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-22-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
-                                [ &lt;&lt; Prev: 2.0b3 (BETA) 9. July 2001 ]
+                                [ Next: 2.0b2 (BETA)  29. Mar 2001 &gt;&gt; ]
+                            </a></td></tr></table></a><pre 
xmlns=""; class="cPodVerbatim">   - correct 
package handling in EP1COMPAT mode
+   - compiles now with sun-cc. Patches from Michael Stevens.
+   - fixed several bugs that caused weired behaviour with nested subs
+     and tables.
+   - fixed a bug that caused Embperl to stop when it sees a checkbox
+     inside a loop, for which no value is in %fdat.   
+   - fixed a bug that caused Embperl alias a value in %fdat and %idat
+   - Execute work now also on the very first line of a file. Spotted 
+     by Michael Smith.
+   - [- -] can now contain Perl comments. Spotted by Michael Stevens.
+   - [- -] can now start with =pod. Spotted by Jonny Cavell.   
+   - fixed a parser error so &lt;[+ $foo +]&gt; generates the correct result.
+     Spotted by Michael Stevens.
+   - fixed bug in Node_insertAfter which may cause a single Execute
+     on the second line of a file to loop endless. Spotted by
+     Janny Cavell.
+   - Embperl doesn't search for attributes inside of quotes inside of
+     html tags anymore. Spotted by Ian Van der Poel.
+   - type=checkbox|radio is now case insensitiv as it should. Spotted
+     by Jonny Cavell.
+   - print OUT and Execute now works together. Spotted by Jonny Cavell.
+   - Embperl doesn't insert a linefeed after an Execute anymore.
+   - Embperl now keeps single or double quote the same as in the source
+     file. Requested by Jonny Cavell.
+   - [$hidden$] works now correctly inside of loops. Spotted by Jonny Cavell.
+   - The parser now checks for the correct end of an html tag. Spotted
+     by Jonny Cavell.
+   - Added RTF syntax. This allows you for example to create serial letters
+     with your favorite word processing program, save them as RTF and process 
+     them with Embperl. See HTML::Embperl::Syntax::RTF for docs.</pre><hr 
xmlns=""; name="top"><table 
width="100%"><tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-22-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
+                                [ &lt;&lt; Prev: 2.0b4 (BETA) 20. Nov. 2001 ]
                             </a></td><td align="center" valign="top" 
width="10%"><a href="Changes.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">[ Content 
]</a></td><td align="right" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-24-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
-                                [ Next: 2.0b1 (BETA)  22. Dec 2000 &gt;&gt; ]
+                                [ Next: 2.0b2 (BETA)  29. Mar 2001 &gt;&gt; ]

Modified: perl/site/embperl/de/pod/Changes.-page-24-.htm
--- perl/site/embperl/de/pod/Changes.-page-24-.htm (original)
+++ perl/site/embperl/de/pod/Changes.-page-24-.htm Fri Nov 24 21:28:20 2023
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
                   <td nowrap align="left" width=2>&nbsp;</td>
                  <td nowrap align="left" width=15><img 
src="../../images/i-sub-off.gif"  width="11" height="11" vspace="6" 
-                  <td nowrap align="left" width=125><a 
+                  <td nowrap align="left" width=125><a 
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@
        <td align="left" background="../../images//hintergrund-nav.gif"> 
          <table width="152" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
-                  <td nowrap with="152" height=22>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
href="../pod/INSTALL.htm"><span class="cMenu">Stable 2.5.0</span></a></td>
+                  <td nowrap with="152" height=22>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
href="../pod/doc/Embperl.-page-12-.htm"><span class="cMenu">Stable 
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@
        <td align="left" background="../../images//hintergrund-nav.gif"> 
          <table width="152" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
-                  <td nowrap with="152" height=22>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
href="../pod/INSTALL.htm"><span class="cMenu">Beta 3.0.0-rc.2</span></a></td>
+                  <td nowrap with="152" height=22>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
href="../pod/doc/Embperl.-page-12-.htm"><span class="cMenu">Beta 
@@ -303,53 +303,35 @@
                 <td valign="top" width="90%" class="cContent"><table 
width="100%"><tr><td  valign="top" width="95%">
-<table xmlns=""; width="100%" border="0" 
cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6"><tr><td class="cPodH1">2.0b1 (BETA)  22. Dec 
2000</td></tr></table><a xmlns=""; 
name="top"><table width="100%"><tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-23-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
-                                [ &lt;&lt; Prev: 2.0b2 (BETA)  29. Mar 2001 ]
+<table xmlns=""; width="100%" border="0" 
cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6"><tr><td class="cPodH1">2.0b2 (BETA)  29. Mar 
2001</td></tr></table><a xmlns=""; 
name="top"><table width="100%"><tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-23-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
+                                [ &lt;&lt; Prev: 2.0b3 (BETA) 9. July 2001 ]
                             </a></td><td align="center" valign="top" 
width="10%"><a href="Changes.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">[ Content 
]</a></td><td align="right" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-25-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
-                                [ Next: 1.3.4 (RELEASE)   5. Dec 2001 &gt;&gt; 
-                            </a></td></tr></table></a><pre 
xmlns=""; class="cPodVerbatim">   - Syntax of 
Embperl is now defined in module HTML::Embperl::Syntax
-   - Processing of Embperl is now divided in smaller steps:
-        1 reading the source
-        2 parseing 
-        3 compiling 
-        4 executing
-        5 outputing
-     Since steps 1-3 has only to take place for the first time a file
-     is processed, Embperl is about 50-100% faster the Embperl 1.x.
-     (Embperl 1.x has also precompiled the Perl code, but Embperl
-     goes much further and stores also a precompiled structure of
-     the document)
-     This modularisation will also allow to replace single steps
-     with other modules and to cascade multiple processors, that
-     work on one document.
-   - The following options can currently only set from the httpd.conf:
-     optRawInput, optKeepSpaces
-   - The following options are currently not supported:
-     optDisableHtmlScan, optDisableTableScan,
-     optDisableInputScan, optDisableMetaScan 
-   - Nesting must be properly. I.e. you cannot put a &lt;table&gt; tag (for an
-     dynamic table) inside an if and the &lt;/table&gt; inside another if.
-     (That still works for static tables)
-   - optUndefToEmptyValue is always set and cannot be disabled.
-   - [$ foreach $x (@x) $] requires now the bracket around the
-     array (like Perl)
-   - [* *] blocks works now as expected.
-   - option tag can take value optional from html text, so 
-     &lt;option value="foo"&gt; and &lt;option&gt;foo&lt;/option&gt; are the 
-   - Execute ('file.htm#subname') works now without a previous
-     import
-   - Added cacheing of output. There are serveral parameters that
-     controls the caching. They can be either given as configuration
-     directives in httpd.conf, as parameters to Execute or as
-     Perl vars/subs inside a [! !] of the page itself.
-   - [+ +] blocks must now contain a valid Perl expression. Embperl 1.x
-     allows you to put multiple statements into such a block. For performance
-     reasons this is not possible anymore. Also the expression must _not_
-     terminated with a semikolon. To let old code work, just wrap it into a do
-     e.g. [+ do { my $a = $b + 5 ; $a } +]</pre><hr 
xmlns=""; name="top"><table 
width="100%"><tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-23-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
-                                [ &lt;&lt; Prev: 2.0b2 (BETA)  29. Mar 2001 ]
+                                [ Next: 2.0b1 (BETA)  22. Dec 2000 &gt;&gt; ]
+                            </a></td></tr></table></a><pre 
xmlns=""; class="cPodVerbatim">   - Embperl 
files can now debugged via the interavtive debugger.
+     The debugger shows the Embperl page source along with the
+     correct linenumbers. 
+     This works in various ways:
+        # perl interacive command line debugger
+        perl -d file.epl  
+        # ddd graphical debugger (
+        ddd --debugger 'perl -d file.epl'
+        or via Apache::DB under mod_perl
+   - Embperl has now a defined API for creating/adding a new
+     syntax. See perldoc HTML::Embperl::Syntax for details.
+   - Which syntax (also multiple at the same time) 
+     a given page uses can be defined via EMBPERL_SYNTAX configuration
+     directive.
+   - Added Syntax definitions for SSI, Perl and plain Text
+   - New [$ syntax $] metacommand can switch the syntax of the file
+     on the fly. It's also usefull to load addtional taglibs.
+   - print OUT works again
+   - HTML comments are not touched anymore
+   - Embperl doesn't log a warning if a undefined value is in %ENV and
+     dbgEnv is on.
+   - 2.0b2 now contains all contains all changes up to 1.3.2 .</pre><hr 
xmlns=""; name="top"><table 
width="100%"><tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-23-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
+                                [ &lt;&lt; Prev: 2.0b3 (BETA) 9. July 2001 ]
                             </a></td><td align="center" valign="top" 
width="10%"><a href="Changes.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">[ Content 
]</a></td><td align="right" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-25-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
-                                [ Next: 1.3.4 (RELEASE)   5. Dec 2001 &gt;&gt; 
+                                [ Next: 2.0b1 (BETA)  22. Dec 2000 &gt;&gt; ]

Modified: perl/site/embperl/de/pod/Changes.-page-25-.htm
--- perl/site/embperl/de/pod/Changes.-page-25-.htm (original)
+++ perl/site/embperl/de/pod/Changes.-page-25-.htm Fri Nov 24 21:28:20 2023
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
                   <td nowrap align="left" width=2>&nbsp;</td>
                  <td nowrap align="left" width=15><img 
src="../../images/i-sub-off.gif"  width="11" height="11" vspace="6" 
-                  <td nowrap align="left" width=125><a 
+                  <td nowrap align="left" width=125><a 
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@
        <td align="left" background="../../images//hintergrund-nav.gif"> 
          <table width="152" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
-                  <td nowrap with="152" height=22>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
href="../pod/INSTALL.htm"><span class="cMenu">Stable 2.5.0</span></a></td>
+                  <td nowrap with="152" height=22>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
href="../pod/doc/Embperl.-page-12-.htm"><span class="cMenu">Stable 
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@
        <td align="left" background="../../images//hintergrund-nav.gif"> 
          <table width="152" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
-                  <td nowrap with="152" height=22>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
href="../pod/INSTALL.htm"><span class="cMenu">Beta 3.0.0-rc.2</span></a></td>
+                  <td nowrap with="152" height=22>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
href="../pod/doc/Embperl.-page-12-.htm"><span class="cMenu">Beta 
@@ -303,57 +303,53 @@
                 <td valign="top" width="90%" class="cContent"><table 
width="100%"><tr><td  valign="top" width="95%">
-<table xmlns=""; width="100%" border="0" 
cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6"><tr><td class="cPodH1">1.3.4 (RELEASE)   5. Dec 
2001</td></tr></table><a xmlns=""; 
name="top"><table width="100%"><tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-24-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
-                                [ &lt;&lt; Prev: 2.0b1 (BETA)  22. Dec 2000 ]
+<table xmlns=""; width="100%" border="0" 
cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6"><tr><td class="cPodH1">2.0b1 (BETA)  22. Dec 
2000</td></tr></table><a xmlns=""; 
name="top"><table width="100%"><tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-24-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
+                                [ &lt;&lt; Prev: 2.0b2 (BETA)  29. Mar 2001 ]
                             </a></td><td align="center" valign="top" 
width="10%"><a href="Changes.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">[ Content 
]</a></td><td align="right" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-26-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
-                                [ Next: 1.3.3 (RELEASE)   6. Juni 2001 
&gt;&gt; ]
-                            </a></td></tr></table></a><pre 
xmlns=""; class="cPodVerbatim">   - Added 
method $r -&gt; Espace for html &amp; url escaping
-   - URL escpage # to %23
-   - use Content-Length HTTP Header instead of $ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH}
-     when running under mod_perl and win32. This fixes a bug
-     with POSTed data reported by Lukas Zapletal.
-   - Display correct Apache module name in Makefile.PL when
-     requesting path for Apache module. Patch from James Lee.
-   - New session handling using Apache::SessionX. (This also
-     fixes problem with MD5 and Perl 5.6.1)
-   - Fixed a bug that cause file-uploads to fail for the first 
-     request to a file when running under EmbperlObject. Reported
-     by Thoren Johne.
-   - Added possibilities to add the session id as argument to any URL,
-     instead of using cookies.
-   - Added new hash %sdat which holds temporary sessins data.
-   - Added options optAddUserSessionToLinks, optAddStatusSessionToLinks
-     and optNoSessionCookies to control how the session id is passed.
-   - Make sure the HTML::Embperl::Mail generates correct line endings
-   - If Perl's STDOUT and/or STDIN are tied to any package, Embperl now
-     calls the Perl methods PRINT and READ for doing I/O. This currently
-     only works when not running under mod_perl.
-   - Embperl can now run under FastCGI. Use instead of
-   - Delete unnecessary PerlFixupHandler from httpd.conf.src for make test.
-     Reported by David Merberg.      
-   - Add undef to %idat for select tag with nothing selected if
-     optAllFormdata is set.
-   - Cleanup of DBIx::Recordset objects now honors the setting in %CLEANUP.
-     Problem reported by Kee Hinckley.
-   - Embperl can now use encrypted sourcefiles. See crypto/README for
-     details.
-   - Embperl can now be installed as Apache and non Apache version on the
-     same system. This is neccessary to work on Windows in- and outside of
-     Apache.
-   - Fixed a linkage problem with symbol embperl_module, first reported
-     by GustavKristoffer Ek.
-   - error message now always contain a filename.
-   - Added optShowBacktrace to enable backtrace of filename in error messages
-   - Removed obsolete debug flags dbgDisableCache, dbgWatchScalar,
-     dbgEarlyHttpHeader
-   - Fixed problem with changing to page directory on win32. Reported by
-     Hans de Groot.
-   - Fixed problems with mod_perl environement handling with ActiveState Perl 
-     on win32.</pre><hr xmlns="";></hr><a 
xmlns=""; name="top"><table 
width="100%"><tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-24-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
-                                [ &lt;&lt; Prev: 2.0b1 (BETA)  22. Dec 2000 ]
+                                [ Next: 1.3.4 (RELEASE)   5. Dec 2001 &gt;&gt; 
+                            </a></td></tr></table></a><pre 
xmlns=""; class="cPodVerbatim">   - Syntax of 
Embperl is now defined in module HTML::Embperl::Syntax
+   - Processing of Embperl is now divided in smaller steps:
+        1 reading the source
+        2 parseing 
+        3 compiling 
+        4 executing
+        5 outputing
+     Since steps 1-3 has only to take place for the first time a file
+     is processed, Embperl is about 50-100% faster the Embperl 1.x.
+     (Embperl 1.x has also precompiled the Perl code, but Embperl
+     goes much further and stores also a precompiled structure of
+     the document)
+     This modularisation will also allow to replace single steps
+     with other modules and to cascade multiple processors, that
+     work on one document.
+   - The following options can currently only set from the httpd.conf:
+     optRawInput, optKeepSpaces
+   - The following options are currently not supported:
+     optDisableHtmlScan, optDisableTableScan,
+     optDisableInputScan, optDisableMetaScan 
+   - Nesting must be properly. I.e. you cannot put a &lt;table&gt; tag (for an
+     dynamic table) inside an if and the &lt;/table&gt; inside another if.
+     (That still works for static tables)
+   - optUndefToEmptyValue is always set and cannot be disabled.
+   - [$ foreach $x (@x) $] requires now the bracket around the
+     array (like Perl)
+   - [* *] blocks works now as expected.
+   - option tag can take value optional from html text, so 
+     &lt;option value="foo"&gt; and &lt;option&gt;foo&lt;/option&gt; are the 
+   - Execute ('file.htm#subname') works now without a previous
+     import
+   - Added cacheing of output. There are serveral parameters that
+     controls the caching. They can be either given as configuration
+     directives in httpd.conf, as parameters to Execute or as
+     Perl vars/subs inside a [! !] of the page itself.
+   - [+ +] blocks must now contain a valid Perl expression. Embperl 1.x
+     allows you to put multiple statements into such a block. For performance
+     reasons this is not possible anymore. Also the expression must _not_
+     terminated with a semikolon. To let old code work, just wrap it into a do
+     e.g. [+ do { my $a = $b + 5 ; $a } +]</pre><hr 
xmlns=""; name="top"><table 
width="100%"><tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-24-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
+                                [ &lt;&lt; Prev: 2.0b2 (BETA)  29. Mar 2001 ]
                             </a></td><td align="center" valign="top" 
width="10%"><a href="Changes.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">[ Content 
]</a></td><td align="right" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-26-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
-                                [ Next: 1.3.3 (RELEASE)   6. Juni 2001 
&gt;&gt; ]
+                                [ Next: 1.3.4 (RELEASE)   5. Dec 2001 &gt;&gt; 

Modified: perl/site/embperl/de/pod/Changes.-page-26-.htm
--- perl/site/embperl/de/pod/Changes.-page-26-.htm (original)
+++ perl/site/embperl/de/pod/Changes.-page-26-.htm Fri Nov 24 21:28:20 2023
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
                   <td nowrap align="left" width=2>&nbsp;</td>
                  <td nowrap align="left" width=15><img 
src="../../images/i-sub-off.gif"  width="11" height="11" vspace="6" 
-                  <td nowrap align="left" width=125><a 
+                  <td nowrap align="left" width=125><a 
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@
        <td align="left" background="../../images//hintergrund-nav.gif"> 
          <table width="152" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
-                  <td nowrap with="152" height=22>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
href="../pod/INSTALL.htm"><span class="cMenu">Stable 2.5.0</span></a></td>
+                  <td nowrap with="152" height=22>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
href="../pod/doc/Embperl.-page-12-.htm"><span class="cMenu">Stable 
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@
        <td align="left" background="../../images//hintergrund-nav.gif"> 
          <table width="152" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
-                  <td nowrap with="152" height=22>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
href="../pod/INSTALL.htm"><span class="cMenu">Beta 3.0.0-rc.2</span></a></td>
+                  <td nowrap with="152" height=22>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
href="../pod/doc/Embperl.-page-12-.htm"><span class="cMenu">Beta 
@@ -303,30 +303,57 @@
                 <td valign="top" width="90%" class="cContent"><table 
width="100%"><tr><td  valign="top" width="95%">
-<table xmlns=""; width="100%" border="0" 
cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6"><tr><td class="cPodH1">1.3.3 (RELEASE)   6. 
Juni 2001</td></tr></table><a xmlns=""; 
name="top"><table width="100%"><tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-25-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
-                                [ &lt;&lt; Prev: 1.3.4 (RELEASE)   5. Dec 2001 
+<table xmlns=""; width="100%" border="0" 
cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6"><tr><td class="cPodH1">1.3.4 (RELEASE)   5. Dec 
2001</td></tr></table><a xmlns=""; 
name="top"><table width="100%"><tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-25-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
+                                [ &lt;&lt; Prev: 2.0b1 (BETA)  22. Dec 2000 ]
                             </a></td><td align="center" valign="top" 
width="10%"><a href="Changes.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">[ Content 
]</a></td><td align="right" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-27-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
-                                [ Next: 1.3.2 (RELEASE)   16 May. 2001 
&gt;&gt; ]
-                            </a></td></tr></table></a><pre 
xmlns=""; class="cPodVerbatim">   - fixes 
problem with cleanup and Perl 5.6.0+ which broke
-     session management. Spotted by Lukas Zapletal and Andy Lim.
-   - Improved Makefile.PL to catche more setup situation on
-     Win 32.
-   - Make $r -&gt; Error settable to be able to reset Embperl's
-     internal error flag.     
-   - workaround for $r -&gt; chdir_file not working correctly inside
-     of Apache::Registry with ActiveState Perl, which caused
-     make test to fail.
-   - fixed SIGSEGVs that could occur on rare situations when
-     multiple file not found errors are reported.
-   - fixed problem with wrong setup of Content-Length header
-     when running in CGI mode, with escmode = 0. Spotted by
-     Edwin Ramirez.
-   - fixed problem with nested dynamic tables and Execute.
-   - added correct errror message for rcNotCompiledForModPerl.
-     Spotted by Scott Chapman.</pre><hr 
xmlns=""; name="top"><table 
width="100%"><tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-25-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
-                                [ &lt;&lt; Prev: 1.3.4 (RELEASE)   5. Dec 2001 
+                                [ Next: 1.3.3 (RELEASE)   6. Juni 2001 
&gt;&gt; ]
+                            </a></td></tr></table></a><pre 
xmlns=""; class="cPodVerbatim">   - Added 
method $r -&gt; Espace for html &amp; url escaping
+   - URL escpage # to %23
+   - use Content-Length HTTP Header instead of $ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH}
+     when running under mod_perl and win32. This fixes a bug
+     with POSTed data reported by Lukas Zapletal.
+   - Display correct Apache module name in Makefile.PL when
+     requesting path for Apache module. Patch from James Lee.
+   - New session handling using Apache::SessionX. (This also
+     fixes problem with MD5 and Perl 5.6.1)
+   - Fixed a bug that cause file-uploads to fail for the first 
+     request to a file when running under EmbperlObject. Reported
+     by Thoren Johne.
+   - Added possibilities to add the session id as argument to any URL,
+     instead of using cookies.
+   - Added new hash %sdat which holds temporary sessins data.
+   - Added options optAddUserSessionToLinks, optAddStatusSessionToLinks
+     and optNoSessionCookies to control how the session id is passed.
+   - Make sure the HTML::Embperl::Mail generates correct line endings
+   - If Perl's STDOUT and/or STDIN are tied to any package, Embperl now
+     calls the Perl methods PRINT and READ for doing I/O. This currently
+     only works when not running under mod_perl.
+   - Embperl can now run under FastCGI. Use instead of
+   - Delete unnecessary PerlFixupHandler from httpd.conf.src for make test.
+     Reported by David Merberg.      
+   - Add undef to %idat for select tag with nothing selected if
+     optAllFormdata is set.
+   - Cleanup of DBIx::Recordset objects now honors the setting in %CLEANUP.
+     Problem reported by Kee Hinckley.
+   - Embperl can now use encrypted sourcefiles. See crypto/README for
+     details.
+   - Embperl can now be installed as Apache and non Apache version on the
+     same system. This is neccessary to work on Windows in- and outside of
+     Apache.
+   - Fixed a linkage problem with symbol embperl_module, first reported
+     by GustavKristoffer Ek.
+   - error message now always contain a filename.
+   - Added optShowBacktrace to enable backtrace of filename in error messages
+   - Removed obsolete debug flags dbgDisableCache, dbgWatchScalar,
+     dbgEarlyHttpHeader
+   - Fixed problem with changing to page directory on win32. Reported by
+     Hans de Groot.
+   - Fixed problems with mod_perl environement handling with ActiveState Perl 
+     on win32.</pre><hr xmlns="";></hr><a 
xmlns=""; name="top"><table 
width="100%"><tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-25-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
+                                [ &lt;&lt; Prev: 2.0b1 (BETA)  22. Dec 2000 ]
                             </a></td><td align="center" valign="top" 
width="10%"><a href="Changes.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">[ Content 
]</a></td><td align="right" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-27-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
-                                [ Next: 1.3.2 (RELEASE)   16 May. 2001 
&gt;&gt; ]
+                                [ Next: 1.3.3 (RELEASE)   6. Juni 2001 
&gt;&gt; ]

Modified: perl/site/embperl/de/pod/Changes.-page-27-.htm
--- perl/site/embperl/de/pod/Changes.-page-27-.htm (original)
+++ perl/site/embperl/de/pod/Changes.-page-27-.htm Fri Nov 24 21:28:20 2023
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
                   <td nowrap align="left" width=2>&nbsp;</td>
                  <td nowrap align="left" width=15><img 
src="../../images/i-sub-off.gif"  width="11" height="11" vspace="6" 
-                  <td nowrap align="left" width=125><a 
+                  <td nowrap align="left" width=125><a 
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@
        <td align="left" background="../../images//hintergrund-nav.gif"> 
          <table width="152" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
-                  <td nowrap with="152" height=22>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
href="../pod/INSTALL.htm"><span class="cMenu">Stable 2.5.0</span></a></td>
+                  <td nowrap with="152" height=22>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
href="../pod/doc/Embperl.-page-12-.htm"><span class="cMenu">Stable 
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@
        <td align="left" background="../../images//hintergrund-nav.gif"> 
          <table width="152" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
-                  <td nowrap with="152" height=22>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
href="../pod/INSTALL.htm"><span class="cMenu">Beta 3.0.0-rc.2</span></a></td>
+                  <td nowrap with="152" height=22>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
href="../pod/doc/Embperl.-page-12-.htm"><span class="cMenu">Beta 
@@ -303,54 +303,30 @@
                 <td valign="top" width="90%" class="cContent"><table 
width="100%"><tr><td  valign="top" width="95%">
-<table xmlns=""; width="100%" border="0" 
cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6"><tr><td class="cPodH1">1.3.2 (RELEASE)   16 
May. 2001</td></tr></table><a xmlns=""; 
name="top"><table width="100%"><tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-26-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
-                                [ &lt;&lt; Prev: 1.3.3 (RELEASE)   6. Juni 
2001 ]
+<table xmlns=""; width="100%" border="0" 
cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6"><tr><td class="cPodH1">1.3.3 (RELEASE)   6. 
Juni 2001</td></tr></table><a xmlns=""; 
name="top"><table width="100%"><tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-26-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
+                                [ &lt;&lt; Prev: 1.3.4 (RELEASE)   5. Dec 2001 
                             </a></td><td align="center" valign="top" 
width="10%"><a href="Changes.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">[ Content 
]</a></td><td align="right" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-28-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
-                                [ Next: 1.3.1 (RELEASE)   13 Feb. 2001 
&gt;&gt; ]
-                            </a></td></tr></table></a><pre 
xmlns=""; class="cPodVerbatim">   - Emulate 
the syntax =&gt; Text parameter of Embperl 2.0, which allows 
-     to include pure text files any without interpretation. Requested
-     by Kee Hinckley.
-   - Fixed problem with corrupted @ISA, that had occured when a page was
-     first requested without EmbperlObject and then with EmbperlObject.
-   - Catch exceptions inside of and correctly cleanup the
-     request. This avoids problems in further request in case anything
-     was really going wrong.
-   - If the base template in an EmbperlObject request is requested
-     directly the Execute ('*') does nothing, to avoid
-     endless recursion.
-   - Fixed bug in SetSessionCookie which had called undefined method 
-     getinitalid.  Spotted by Sun Choi.
-   - Removed wrong expire setting from SetSessionCookie, spotted 
-     by Michael Stevens.
-   - Additions to IntroEmbperlObject.pod by Neil Gunton.
-   - ';' is now accepcted as separator for query strings addtionaly
-     to the '&amp;' character. Patch from Brent A. Ellingson.
-   - ';' is now escaped to %3B when outputed inside a URL.
-   - Embperl is now added to the Serversoftware identification when 
-     preloaded under mod_perl.
-   - adapted make test to Perl 5.6.1 and 5.7.1 so now it passes sucessfully.
-   - fixed problem with cleanup in threaded Perl 5.6.1 and higher
-   - added pod documentation to Patch from Angus Lees.
-   - %http_headers_out can take now array refs as elements to set multiple
-     headers of the same value. Patch from Maxwell Krohn.
-   - Non module-documenations (like Intro.pod Faq.pod etc) now gets copied 
-     the correct directory and man pages are generated with the correct name
-     (e.g. perldoc HTML::Embperl::Intro works now after installation). Based
-     on an idea from Angus Lees.
-   - Makefile.PL enhancements for Apache/ActiveState binary distribution
-   - quote pathnames in Makefile to allow directories like "Program Files".
-     Spotted by Lukas Zapletal.
-   - Added which allow use of EmbperlObject as CGI script.
-   - Added a dTHR to function CmdVar to make Embperl compile with threaded
-     Perl 5.005. Patch from Michael George III.
-   - EMBPERL_SESSION_ARGS can now accept pathes with spaces inside by quoteing
-     an argument e.g. PerlSetEnv EMBPERL_SESSION_ARGS "'Directory=/Session 
-     Spotted by Lukas Zapletal.
-   - Perl search path (@INC) in make test is set to abosulte paths to be 
-     of directory changes that Apache might issue. Spotted by Randy 
Korbes.</pre><hr xmlns="";></hr><a 
xmlns=""; name="top"><table 
width="100%"><tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-26-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
-                                [ &lt;&lt; Prev: 1.3.3 (RELEASE)   6. Juni 
2001 ]
+                                [ Next: 1.3.2 (RELEASE)   16 May. 2001 
&gt;&gt; ]
+                            </a></td></tr></table></a><pre 
xmlns=""; class="cPodVerbatim">   - fixes 
problem with cleanup and Perl 5.6.0+ which broke
+     session management. Spotted by Lukas Zapletal and Andy Lim.
+   - Improved Makefile.PL to catche more setup situation on
+     Win 32.
+   - Make $r -&gt; Error settable to be able to reset Embperl's
+     internal error flag.     
+   - workaround for $r -&gt; chdir_file not working correctly inside
+     of Apache::Registry with ActiveState Perl, which caused
+     make test to fail.
+   - fixed SIGSEGVs that could occur on rare situations when
+     multiple file not found errors are reported.
+   - fixed problem with wrong setup of Content-Length header
+     when running in CGI mode, with escmode = 0. Spotted by
+     Edwin Ramirez.
+   - fixed problem with nested dynamic tables and Execute.
+   - added correct errror message for rcNotCompiledForModPerl.
+     Spotted by Scott Chapman.</pre><hr 
xmlns=""; name="top"><table 
width="100%"><tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-26-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
+                                [ &lt;&lt; Prev: 1.3.4 (RELEASE)   5. Dec 2001 
                             </a></td><td align="center" valign="top" 
width="10%"><a href="Changes.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">[ Content 
]</a></td><td align="right" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-28-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
-                                [ Next: 1.3.1 (RELEASE)   13 Feb. 2001 
&gt;&gt; ]
+                                [ Next: 1.3.2 (RELEASE)   16 May. 2001 
&gt;&gt; ]

Modified: perl/site/embperl/de/pod/Changes.-page-28-.htm
--- perl/site/embperl/de/pod/Changes.-page-28-.htm (original)
+++ perl/site/embperl/de/pod/Changes.-page-28-.htm Fri Nov 24 21:28:20 2023
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
                   <td nowrap align="left" width=2>&nbsp;</td>
                  <td nowrap align="left" width=15><img 
src="../../images/i-sub-off.gif"  width="11" height="11" vspace="6" 
-                  <td nowrap align="left" width=125><a 
+                  <td nowrap align="left" width=125><a 
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@
        <td align="left" background="../../images//hintergrund-nav.gif"> 
          <table width="152" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
-                  <td nowrap with="152" height=22>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
href="../pod/INSTALL.htm"><span class="cMenu">Stable 2.5.0</span></a></td>
+                  <td nowrap with="152" height=22>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
href="../pod/doc/Embperl.-page-12-.htm"><span class="cMenu">Stable 
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@
        <td align="left" background="../../images//hintergrund-nav.gif"> 
          <table width="152" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
-                  <td nowrap with="152" height=22>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
href="../pod/INSTALL.htm"><span class="cMenu">Beta 3.0.0-rc.2</span></a></td>
+                  <td nowrap with="152" height=22>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
href="../pod/doc/Embperl.-page-12-.htm"><span class="cMenu">Beta 
@@ -303,41 +303,54 @@
                 <td valign="top" width="90%" class="cContent"><table 
width="100%"><tr><td  valign="top" width="95%">
-<table xmlns=""; width="100%" border="0" 
cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6"><tr><td class="cPodH1">1.3.1 (RELEASE)   13 
Feb. 2001</td></tr></table><a xmlns=""; 
name="top"><table width="100%"><tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-27-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
-                                [ &lt;&lt; Prev: 1.3.2 (RELEASE)   16 May. 
2001 ]
+<table xmlns=""; width="100%" border="0" 
cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6"><tr><td class="cPodH1">1.3.2 (RELEASE)   16 
May. 2001</td></tr></table><a xmlns=""; 
name="top"><table width="100%"><tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-27-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
+                                [ &lt;&lt; Prev: 1.3.3 (RELEASE)   6. Juni 
2001 ]
                             </a></td><td align="center" valign="top" 
width="10%"><a href="Changes.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">[ Content 
]</a></td><td align="right" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-29-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
-                                [ Next: 1.3.0 (RELEASE)   4 Dec. 2000 &gt;&gt; 
-                            </a></td></tr></table></a><pre 
xmlns=""; class="cPodVerbatim">   - Added new 
Introduction to EmbperlObject written by
-     Neil Gunton. See perldoc IntroEmbperlObject
-   - Added new Tips and Tricks pod written by
-     Neil Gunton. See perldoc TipsAndTricks. Anybody is invited
-     to send me their own Tips and Tricks!
-   - Added object and isa parameters to Execute, which allows to get an
-     object reference for a certain file and set the Perl inherence
-     hierachive. Ideas from Neil Gunton and Angus Lees.
-   - Corrected a problem that leads to very strange errors when an
-     Embperl sub is called from an in memory source (that is passed
-     via the Execute input parameter). Spotted by Neil Gunton.
-   - Make EmbperlObject work better with relative paths and drive letters
-     on Windows. Based on a patch from Freddy Vulto.
-   - Fixed a problem with the cache key, which could cause that the same
-     file is compiled within different packages.
-   - Fixed a problem that Embperl are in a wired state after an file upload
-     has been interrupted. Spotted by Dirk Lutzebaeck.
-   - Fixed a problem set @ISA is not correctly setup in case a file is
-     compiled in the same package as the base file of EmbperlObject.
-     Spotted by Neil Gunton.
-   - Fixed problem with including ../foo.html in EmbperlObject. Spotted
-     by Neil Gunton.
-   - Added warning if @ISA is not correctly setup/corrupted.
-   - Fixed a SIGSEGV that occurs when an reference to undef is returned
-     from a [+ +] inside a URL.
-   - Added warning to Makefile.PL, if File::Spec 0.82 isn't installed, which is
-     required by EmbperlObject.
-   - Fixed "use of undefined value" warning in make test      </pre><hr 
xmlns=""; name="top"><table 
width="100%"><tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-27-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
-                                [ &lt;&lt; Prev: 1.3.2 (RELEASE)   16 May. 
2001 ]
+                                [ Next: 1.3.1 (RELEASE)   13 Feb. 2001 
&gt;&gt; ]
+                            </a></td></tr></table></a><pre 
xmlns=""; class="cPodVerbatim">   - Emulate 
the syntax =&gt; Text parameter of Embperl 2.0, which allows 
+     to include pure text files any without interpretation. Requested
+     by Kee Hinckley.
+   - Fixed problem with corrupted @ISA, that had occured when a page was
+     first requested without EmbperlObject and then with EmbperlObject.
+   - Catch exceptions inside of and correctly cleanup the
+     request. This avoids problems in further request in case anything
+     was really going wrong.
+   - If the base template in an EmbperlObject request is requested
+     directly the Execute ('*') does nothing, to avoid
+     endless recursion.
+   - Fixed bug in SetSessionCookie which had called undefined method 
+     getinitalid.  Spotted by Sun Choi.
+   - Removed wrong expire setting from SetSessionCookie, spotted 
+     by Michael Stevens.
+   - Additions to IntroEmbperlObject.pod by Neil Gunton.
+   - ';' is now accepcted as separator for query strings addtionaly
+     to the '&amp;' character. Patch from Brent A. Ellingson.
+   - ';' is now escaped to %3B when outputed inside a URL.
+   - Embperl is now added to the Serversoftware identification when 
+     preloaded under mod_perl.
+   - adapted make test to Perl 5.6.1 and 5.7.1 so now it passes sucessfully.
+   - fixed problem with cleanup in threaded Perl 5.6.1 and higher
+   - added pod documentation to Patch from Angus Lees.
+   - %http_headers_out can take now array refs as elements to set multiple
+     headers of the same value. Patch from Maxwell Krohn.
+   - Non module-documenations (like Intro.pod Faq.pod etc) now gets copied 
+     the correct directory and man pages are generated with the correct name
+     (e.g. perldoc HTML::Embperl::Intro works now after installation). Based
+     on an idea from Angus Lees.
+   - Makefile.PL enhancements for Apache/ActiveState binary distribution
+   - quote pathnames in Makefile to allow directories like "Program Files".
+     Spotted by Lukas Zapletal.
+   - Added which allow use of EmbperlObject as CGI script.
+   - Added a dTHR to function CmdVar to make Embperl compile with threaded
+     Perl 5.005. Patch from Michael George III.
+   - EMBPERL_SESSION_ARGS can now accept pathes with spaces inside by quoteing
+     an argument e.g. PerlSetEnv EMBPERL_SESSION_ARGS "'Directory=/Session 
+     Spotted by Lukas Zapletal.
+   - Perl search path (@INC) in make test is set to abosulte paths to be 
+     of directory changes that Apache might issue. Spotted by Randy 
Korbes.</pre><hr xmlns="";></hr><a 
xmlns=""; name="top"><table 
width="100%"><tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-27-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
+                                [ &lt;&lt; Prev: 1.3.3 (RELEASE)   6. Juni 
2001 ]
                             </a></td><td align="center" valign="top" 
width="10%"><a href="Changes.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">[ Content 
]</a></td><td align="right" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-29-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
-                                [ Next: 1.3.0 (RELEASE)   4 Dec. 2000 &gt;&gt; 
+                                [ Next: 1.3.1 (RELEASE)   13 Feb. 2001 
&gt;&gt; ]

Modified: perl/site/embperl/de/pod/Changes.-page-29-.htm
--- perl/site/embperl/de/pod/Changes.-page-29-.htm (original)
+++ perl/site/embperl/de/pod/Changes.-page-29-.htm Fri Nov 24 21:28:20 2023
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
                   <td nowrap align="left" width=2>&nbsp;</td>
                  <td nowrap align="left" width=15><img 
src="../../images/i-sub-off.gif"  width="11" height="11" vspace="6" 
-                  <td nowrap align="left" width=125><a 
+                  <td nowrap align="left" width=125><a 
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@
        <td align="left" background="../../images//hintergrund-nav.gif"> 
          <table width="152" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
-                  <td nowrap with="152" height=22>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
href="../pod/INSTALL.htm"><span class="cMenu">Stable 2.5.0</span></a></td>
+                  <td nowrap with="152" height=22>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
href="../pod/doc/Embperl.-page-12-.htm"><span class="cMenu">Stable 
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@
        <td align="left" background="../../images//hintergrund-nav.gif"> 
          <table width="152" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
-                  <td nowrap with="152" height=22>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
href="../pod/INSTALL.htm"><span class="cMenu">Beta 3.0.0-rc.2</span></a></td>
+                  <td nowrap with="152" height=22>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
href="../pod/doc/Embperl.-page-12-.htm"><span class="cMenu">Beta 
@@ -303,18 +303,41 @@
                 <td valign="top" width="90%" class="cContent"><table 
width="100%"><tr><td  valign="top" width="95%">
-<table xmlns=""; width="100%" border="0" 
cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6"><tr><td class="cPodH1">1.3.0 (RELEASE)   4 Dec. 
2000</td></tr></table><a xmlns=""; 
name="top"><table width="100%"><tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-28-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
-                                [ &lt;&lt; Prev: 1.3.1 (RELEASE)   13 Feb. 
2001 ]
+<table xmlns=""; width="100%" border="0" 
cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6"><tr><td class="cPodH1">1.3.1 (RELEASE)   13 
Feb. 2001</td></tr></table><a xmlns=""; 
name="top"><table width="100%"><tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-28-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
+                                [ &lt;&lt; Prev: 1.3.2 (RELEASE)   16 May. 
2001 ]
                             </a></td><td align="center" valign="top" 
width="10%"><a href="Changes.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">[ Content 
]</a></td><td align="right" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-30-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
-                                [ Next: 1.3b7 (BETA)   15. Nov 2000 &gt;&gt; ]
-                            </a></td></tr></table></a><pre 
xmlns=""; class="cPodVerbatim">   - Corrected 
a wrong test, that let make test fail. Spotted by Eddie Lau.
-   - Added a Line Feed at the end of epnames.h, which has caused some problems
-     with on old SunOS compiler. Spotted by Roman Maeder.
-   - Fixed a problem that Perl generated an error when $req_rec and [$ var $] 
-     used. Spotted by Michael Stevens.</pre><hr 
xmlns=""; name="top"><table 
width="100%"><tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-28-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
-                                [ &lt;&lt; Prev: 1.3.1 (RELEASE)   13 Feb. 
2001 ]
+                                [ Next: 1.3.0 (RELEASE)   4 Dec. 2000 &gt;&gt; 
+                            </a></td></tr></table></a><pre 
xmlns=""; class="cPodVerbatim">   - Added new 
Introduction to EmbperlObject written by
+     Neil Gunton. See perldoc IntroEmbperlObject
+   - Added new Tips and Tricks pod written by
+     Neil Gunton. See perldoc TipsAndTricks. Anybody is invited
+     to send me their own Tips and Tricks!
+   - Added object and isa parameters to Execute, which allows to get an
+     object reference for a certain file and set the Perl inherence
+     hierachive. Ideas from Neil Gunton and Angus Lees.
+   - Corrected a problem that leads to very strange errors when an
+     Embperl sub is called from an in memory source (that is passed
+     via the Execute input parameter). Spotted by Neil Gunton.
+   - Make EmbperlObject work better with relative paths and drive letters
+     on Windows. Based on a patch from Freddy Vulto.
+   - Fixed a problem with the cache key, which could cause that the same
+     file is compiled within different packages.
+   - Fixed a problem that Embperl are in a wired state after an file upload
+     has been interrupted. Spotted by Dirk Lutzebaeck.
+   - Fixed a problem set @ISA is not correctly setup in case a file is
+     compiled in the same package as the base file of EmbperlObject.
+     Spotted by Neil Gunton.
+   - Fixed problem with including ../foo.html in EmbperlObject. Spotted
+     by Neil Gunton.
+   - Added warning if @ISA is not correctly setup/corrupted.
+   - Fixed a SIGSEGV that occurs when an reference to undef is returned
+     from a [+ +] inside a URL.
+   - Added warning to Makefile.PL, if File::Spec 0.82 isn't installed, which is
+     required by EmbperlObject.
+   - Fixed "use of undefined value" warning in make test      </pre><hr 
xmlns=""; name="top"><table 
width="100%"><tr><td align="left" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-28-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
+                                [ &lt;&lt; Prev: 1.3.2 (RELEASE)   16 May. 
2001 ]
                             </a></td><td align="center" valign="top" 
width="10%"><a href="Changes.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">[ Content 
]</a></td><td align="right" valign="top" width="45%"><a 
href="Changes.-page-30-.htm" class="cPodHeaderNavLink">
-                                [ Next: 1.3b7 (BETA)   15. Nov 2000 &gt;&gt; ]
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