
I've been playing around with internal redirects of POST requests.  They 
seem to work fine as long as I don't call Apache::content() or any other 
function that reads a request's content.  However, as soon as I read it, 
internal_redirect ceases to work (it just freezes until the connection 
times out). I've looked around for any info explaining how mod_perl handles 
internal POST redirects, but couldn't find anything useful (should I be 
asking this on an Apache list?).  I'd appreciate any pointer on this matter.

Brief background of the problem:  I'm trying to see if I can detect which 
button was used to submit a form and redirect the request to a 
corresponding url.  My current restraints are: 1) the form must be POSTed; 
2) this process must be transparent to the user, which means that I need to 
use internal redirects.

Thanks in advance

Dmitry Beransky

University of California, San Diego
Multimedia Interactive Learning Lab (http://mill.ucsd.edu)

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