The point that should be taken is that if one must use a cookie for auth,
expire it early and often.  What would _really_ be nice is if there were
a javascript or ecmascribble or whatever it's called object that can _set_
or _unset_ the auth request headers so one _could_ do a form driven
authentication that used HTTP standards (basic and digest authentication).
Well, it'd be nice if browsers did a lot of things, like sent a
useful header:
Accept-code: ecmascribble/1.4, JVM/1.2, client-side-perl/6.0
...the percentage of sites that actually use content negotiation is
probably < 5% yet the browsers send all this chatter about what they
accept for content and nothing about programmatic capabilities.  Fooey.

But I digress.  Go ahead, use cookies and mangle them into auth headers
but make sure they aren't persistent cookies.  And don't use this level of
security for banking or commerce; those get mangled URL paths.  In a self
contained intranet world, using client certificates and mod_ssl sounds
like a good proposition.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...
> Jeffrey> Cookies are an acceptable way to make the browser remember
> Jeffrey> something about your site.
> Be careful when you use cookies.  Make sure it's your LAST choice.
> Mangled URLs and hidden fields are other straightforward alternatives.

Salon Internet                
  HTTP mechanic, Perl diver, Mebwaster, Some of the above
Ian Kallen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> / AIM: iankallen / Fax: (415) 354-3326 

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