I think your assessment is correct, though I'm not sure what would cause it. 
How about changing the following at line 72 for some info:

  warn "Untie()ing STDOUT" if $debug;
  warn "tied(*STDOUT) is " . tied(*STDOUT) . ", " . *STDOUT if $debug;
  $info->{'old_stdout'} = ref tied(*STDOUT);
  untie *STDOUT;

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Roland Alder) wrote:
>Hi there.
>I want to use Apache::Filter, but i can't get it running.
>I'm using Apache 1.3.9 with mod_perl 1.21 (EVERYTHING=1) and Perl 
>My installation, as well 'make test' of Apache::Filter return the 
>following error in the Apache Log:
>[error] Can't locate object method "TIEHANDLE" via package "" at 
>/var/galaxyweb/perl/Apache/Filter.pm line 81.
>When i enable debug in Apache::Filter, i see the following messages:
>*******info for /var/galaxyweb/htdocs/index.html is  at 
>/var/galaxyweb/perl/Apache/Filter.pm line 32.
>/var/galaxyweb/htdocs/index.html: This is the first filter at 
>/var/galaxyweb/perl/Apache/Filter.pm line 61.
>Untie()ing STDOUT at /var/galaxyweb/perl/Apache/Filter.pm line 71.
>Tie()ing STDOUT to Apache::Filter at /var/galaxyweb/perl/Apache/Filter
>..pm line 86.
>END info is old_stdout  count 1 fh_in GLOB(0x8571808)  at 
>/var/galaxyweb/perl/Apache/Filter.pm line 90.
>*******info for /var/galaxyweb/htdocs/index.html is old_stdout  count 
>1 fh_in GLOB(0x8571808) at /var/galaxyweb/perl/Apache/Filter.pm line 
>32, <GEN0> chunk 179.
>Turning STDOUT (Apache::Filter) into filter_fh_in at 
>/var/galaxyweb/perl/Apache/Filter.pm line 55.
>Tie()ing STDOUT to '' for finish at /var/galaxyweb/perl/Apache/Filter.
>pm line 79.
>[Fri Oct 15 00:56:30 1999] [error] Can't locate object method 
>"TIEHANDLE" via package "" at /var/galaxyweb/perl/Apache/Filter.pm 
>line 81.
>It seems to me, that the 'ref tied(*STDOUT)' saved to $info->
>{'old_stdout'} in the first filter doesn't return anything.
>Snippet of my Apache Configfile:
>PerlModule     Apache::Filter
><Location />
>  SetHandler   perl-script
>  PerlSetVar   Filter On
>  PerlHandler  Apache::Testfilter2 Apache::Testfilter2
>  Options      +ExecCGI
>It would be great, if someone has some hints what i can do or what 
>goes wrong. Everything else i tried (Apache::Registry and a 
>standalone handler) is working fine.
>Thank you.
>With kind regards,
> Roland Alder

  -------------------                            -------------------
  Ken Williams                             Last Bastion of Euclidity
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]                            The Math Forum

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