I'm just starting in on porting some scripts over to either
Apache::Registry or Apache::PerlRun, and trying to absorb as much as I can.
 It's seems a bit overwhelming at first.

My scripts are reasonably clean, running under -w and use strict, yet I'm
sure I have lots of porting issues to deal with.  I understand that it's
hard to answer without knowing details about my setup, but in general are
the speed gains with Apahce::Registry over Apache::PerlRun worth the extra
porting work?  

Besides all the information at perl.apache.org, can you recommend any good
resources (book, web pages) that stand out in your memory as being very
helpful when you were starting out?

I have a bunch of questions, of course, such as: Under Apache::Registry do
I have to be aware of other Apache::Registry scripts that may be running
under the same server process as my program?  For example, I often open
STDERR to a log file in my CGI scripts.  Will all scripts running on that
process then write to my log file?

And I often have a public CGI script, and an 'Admin' script where the
public script opens a log file (using STDERR) with a share lock, but the
'Admin' script opens with an exclusive lock on the same file when updating
config files.  It would seem to make sense to not have to open and close
the log file for each execution, but rather leave the file open and just
grab and release the lock during execution.    But I'm really unclear how
to set this up under Apache::Registry and if there are race conditions to
worry about.

Anyway, I'm really seeking pointers on good references for just starting
out that will help me answer these type of questions and keep me quite for
a while.

Thanks very much,

Bill Moseley

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