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I just hacked a little PerlHandler (content handler) module that uses Basic auth. I 
found out that things like 

my($res, $sent_pw) = $r->get_basic_auth_pw;

do not work correctly for a content handler. Therefore I wrote this code:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

package My;

use strict;
use Apache ();
use Apache::Log;
use Apache::Constants (qw/:common/);
use MIME::Base64;               # needed for decode of basic auth

sub handler
        my $r = shift;
        my $user;
        my $password;
        my $userpass = $r->header_in("Authorization") || undef;
        my $log = $r->log();

        # optionally decode authorization
        if( $userpass ) {       # got any authorization
                if( $userpass =~ m/^Basic / ) {
                        # only basic
                        $userpass =~ s/^Basic //;       # remove leading
                        ($user,$password)               # decode user + pass
                                = split(":", decode_base64 $userpass);
                        $log->warn("user=$user, password=$password");

        unless( defined $user
                and $user eq "DeKay" and 
                defined $password
                and $password eq "got it" 
        ) {
                # no auth or auth not valid
                $r->header_out("WWW-Authenticate" => "Basic realm=\"Test\"");
                $r->print("Auth required");
                return OK;

        # auth valid
        $r->print("user: $user<BR>");
        $r->print("Password: $password<BR>");
        return OK;



- This does not look very mod_perlish, can this be done "better"?
- How can I make Apache print its "Authentication required" message itself? In this 
module I have to do this by myself.


   - The Knowledge Archive

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