Dave Mee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hello, mod_perloids.
> I'm having a gutfull of trouble sending mail under mod_perl. I'm doing
> it by the books, to wit, the cookbook and the bigbirdie book, under rh
> linux 5.2.
> the code is
>      warn ("MAIL: Opening sendmail... path is \"".$sendmailpath."\"");
>      open (SENDMAIL, $sendmailpath) || warn ("MAIL: Cannot open sendmail
> at \"".$sendmailpath."\"");

Let's assume that $sendmailpath is a pipe ("|/usr/lib/sendmail ...")

>      print SENDMAIL ( "From: Eidos Web Password Assistant
> <passwordhelp\@".$dbh->{r}->server->server_hostname.">\n".
>         "To: You <".$dbh->{param}->{csemail}.">\n".
>         "Subject:
> ".$EidosParser::locale{mailsendpasswordsubject}."\n\n".
>         $EidosParser::locale{mailsendpasswordtext1}.
>         $result[1].
>         $EidosParser::locale{mailsendpasswordtext2}.
>         ($dbh->{r}->server->server_hostname).($dbh->{r}->uri()).
>         $EidosParser::locale{mailsendpasswordtext3}.
>         "\n.\n");
>      warn ("MAIL: Mail Sent okay!");
>      close (SENDMAIL);
> I ditched the fail-result tests in desperation. :)
> It tells me the mail has been sent okay (even when the failiure tests
> were in place) but nothing.

The essential failure-test is missing.  Only during close() do you find
out if there was a problem writing to the pipe when the last (possibly 
only) bufferful of data gets flushed to it.

> Not in the outgoing or incoming mail spools.
> I tested this code as a vanilla cgi script, and it worked fine. I have
> *no* idea why it won't work under mod_perl.

There shouldn't be much difference.  Maybe some obscure environment
variable, or your cgi is suexec'ed to a different user?

Frank Cringle,      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice: (+49 2304) 467101; fax: 943357

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