i'm so close to getting apache::ssi to work correctly.... but right now my
work has come to a halt... 

I've tracked the problem down to POST-ed forms + SSI + virtual includes +
$r->lookup_uri, but i don't know how to fix it!

I use Apache::SSI to parse the contents of an HTML string and include any
ssi variables, templates etc before printing to the screen.

my modperl handler has a snippet of code like this:

   my $ssi = Apache::SSI->new($output_html, $r);
   $output_html = $ssi->output();

the modperl handler is used to

- display a login page
- authenticate the user and display any error information

I have  a POST form  for people to type in username,password and trigger
off this handler. i'm noticing that if i use a POST request, the returned
page just hangs forever, in the $r->lookup_uri stage of implementing a
virtual include via SSI. If I use a GET request, $r->lookup_uri completes

now i have to use POST, so that people's passwords are hidden in the
browser window. 

does anyone have any clue as to why POSTS would make $r->lookup_uri hang
for ever?

Please please help,


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