We use a TransHandler to (among other things) manage name-based virtual
hosts (simply put, given the incoming Host: header plus URI, map to a file).

We (of course) sanitize the incoming URI and Host.  It works fine.
I "save" the sanitized hostname like so:


I used to use just the first line, but I added the other two thinking
they might fix our problems...

First problem (somewhat minor):

$ENV{'SERVER_NAME'} remains "unsanitized" (i.e., it's still exactly what
the client sent in the "Host:" header).  This is not a big deal because the
sanitized host gets set properly in $ENV{'HTTP_HOST'}.  Scripts can just
use that variable instead.

Second problem (bigger):

For logging, we use CLF with the virtual host name tacked on the front
of the line (using %V in the LogConfig).  Yes we have "UseCanonicalName On"
and I've read http://apache.org/docs/mod/core.html#usecanonicalname so I
know that %V and SERVER_NAME get set to whatever the client sends.
(and I can't turn it off, because then %V is always ServerName, and
suddenly no "virtual hosts").

I experimented by putting the host sanitation in a PostReadRequestHandler.
Same results.  I thought this phase was "...where you can examine HTTP
headers and change them before Apache gets a crack at them" (TPJ #9, p.6).

Here's the relevant bit of Apache code (1.3.9) in http_core.c in the
ap_get_server_name() function:

    if (d->use_canonical_name == USE_CANONICAL_NAME_OFF) {
        return r->hostname ? r->hostname : r->server->server_hostname;

There's no $r->hostname method in mod_perl that I can find, and
unfortunately $r->server->server_hostname is read-only.

I can only think of a couple options: hack http_core.c to do what I want,
or write a custom LogHandler that uses the sanitized host.

Is there any other way?

PS: I'd still like to hear from anyone who is running mod_perl on
Solaris 2.5.1 with Perl 5.005_03 -- I don't want to stick with 5.004 forever.

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