
How are you doing recently?

I think I found a bug in Embperl.pm about file upload. When I used HTML <input
type=file name=...> tag to upload a file, Embperl crashed with error message
like this: "Cannot modify read-only value ... in Embperl.pm line 774.", IF the
uploaded filename starts with non-alpha character, eg. "1.gif" or "789.jpg". But
it works ok if the filename looks like an variable identifier, eg. "abc.gif" or
"xyz.jpg". So I guess Emperl.pm did not "expect" the filename to start with a
digit, did it?

Another problem: I define a perl module, util.pm, with several utility functions
therein, eg, get_tree_depth(). If I use the module and reference get_tree_depth
in one Embperl script, then SOMETIMES ON ANOTHER SCRIPT Embperl will complain
"undefined subroutine xxxxxx::get_tree_depth::_N (something like that, I
forgot)".  The only asured way to work around this is to use
util::get_tree_depth() in both scripts. But it should not be like this, isn't

By the way, which of static or dynamic linked Apache server boosts better
performance with Embperl?

My Emperl.pm version is: 1.2b9.


Huang-Ming Pan

Gerald Richter ¼g¹D¡G

> >
> > >
> > > But a lot of that memory is shared between the childs, so it
> > may be not so
> > > uneconomicaly as it looks for the first view...
> >
> > As I know, the lot of memory is not truely shared but
> > 'duplicated' in childs'
> > process memory. This is because UNIX only share 'code' segments,
> > not 'data'
> > segments, between processes. Is current Perl interpreted code
> > stored in 'code'
> > segements? I don't think so.
> >
> > What i meant is to store Embperl-translated script stuff, not
> > Perl-interpreted
> > code, in files.
> >
> Unix also shares the data segements after a fork, until something is written
> to them.
> Storing the precompiled perl code in files, isn't possible by perl itself.
> It may work with the perl compiler (B:: package), but the compiler is still
> experimental and it would be a lot of work to get it together with Embperl.
> GErald
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Gerald Richter      ecos electronic communication services gmbh
> Internet - Infodatenbanken - Apache - Perl - mod_perl - Embperl
> E-Mail:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]         Tel:        +49-6133/925151
> WWW:        http://www.ecos.de      Fax:        +49-6133/925152
> ---------------------------------------------------------------

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