On Tue, Nov 16, 1999 at 07:43:38PM +0100, Gerald Richter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <Gerald 
Richter> muttered about RE: Embperl / Apache::Session bug?:
> >
> > Preloading Apache::Session also causes sigsegv'ing, this time while
> > dealing with MD5.pm. Preloading nothing seems to work.
> >
> And Embperl is _not_ loaded at startup time?


> When does SIGSEGV occurs, when the server starts, on the first Embperl
> request or on the first request which uses %udat/%mdat?

SIGSEGV always occurs when the server starts.

> The problem is when mod_perl is build with USE_DSO. Maybe the compiler
> options does not match, for some of the modules (Perl, Apache, mod_perl, DBI
> etc.). 

This seems likely, as the mod_perl and apache were installed from
RPMs. When embperl was built, the headers I used were from an install
of the apache SRPM. I will try rebuilding apache, mod_perl,
apache::session, and embperl from pristine source and see what

> Building a staticly linked Apache will surely solve the problem, but
> if you like to continue using the dynamic version, you can try the following
> two things:
> 1.) Preload HTML::Embperl::Session
SIGSEGV's when dealing with MD5.so.

> 2.) Try Apache::Session::FileStore instead of DBIStore

I'll try this later as well.
> Gerald

Thanks for your help,


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