Hello Everyone,

I have been lurking for a while, but this is my first post. I started
programming perl about a year ago and have no other programming
experience, so please forgive me if this is way out of scope. And yes, I
have searched the archives and I have the apache modules book, but I did
not find a clear answer to this question.

My website that I am developing (web.carracing.com) uses 4 stacked
handlers for each section of the site. The only one that changes is
the 3rd handler for the content of the page. here is one of the configs:

<Location /Racing_Links>
        SetHandler perl-script
        PerlHandler Apache_Car::Authen Apache_Car::Start_Page 
Apache_Car::Racing_Links Apache_Car::End_Page
        Options ExecCGI

The site is completely dynamic with not one page of html besides some
templates I parse myself. The module Apache_Car::Authen  is what I use to
determine access and layout of every page requested. When a user logs in,
Apache_Car::Authen then gets his/her personal data from a MySQL Database
which is then used to layout the site to their personal prefs. Currently,
I can use $r->notes and that works fine, but what I would like to do is
use an module I have written and then just pass the object to
the later stacked handlers so that the later handlers can grab necessary
data from the objects methods. I gues the reason I want to do this is
because when the member is authenticated, It would be easier and quicker
to get the data from the DB and leave it in the object hash for the later
modules. Again, please let me know if I am way off base with this thinking
and a pointer to some examples of a better way would be much appreciated.



Bill Desjardins    http://www.carracing.com
[EMAIL PROTECTED]        Tel: 305.205.8644
FREE Homepages for Racers and Race Tracks!!

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