"Jesús Mª Lasso Sánchez" wrote:
> hi:
>   I'm working with linux servers based on RedHat 6.0 with Apache 1.3.9.
>   My problem is when compile the mod_perl module before to install Apache. More 
>exactly when i'm doing: perl Makefile.PL
>   it produces this error when is creating the makefile:
> ------------------------------------------------
> + doing sanity check on compiler and options
> ** A test compilation with your Makefile configuration
> ** failed. This is most likely because your C compiler
> ** is not ANSI. Apache requires an ANSI C Compiler, such
> ** as gcc. The above error message from your compiler
> ** will also provide a clue.
>  Aborting!
> ------------------------------------------------
> the OS is RedHat 6.0 and the c compiler is the packet "egcs". The problem just 
>happen when compile "mod_perl". I compiled Apache 1.3.9 without problems.

Could you send the output of 'perl -V' and 'which `perl -V:cc`?  Also
what command line did you use for Makefile.PL?

Jeffrey W. Baker * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Critical Path, Inc. * we handle the world's email * www.cp.net

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