I'm trying to setup ASP to work on apache, and as far as my understading
that I need mod_perl has to be installed before installing ASP module, but
I'm still confusing how to install mod_perl, I did as the manual said, and
I installed without any error, but when i put the config in httpd.conf for
the ASP to work then i got error and can't not start the apache..can
anyone please help?

[root@mail conf]# httpd start
Syntax error on line 450 of /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
Invalid command 'PerlHandler', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module
not in
cluded in the server configuration
/usr/sbin/httpd start: httpd could not be started  

my httpd config:
Alias /asp/ /usr/local/htdocs/asp/
<Location /asp/>
                 SetHandler perl-script
                 PerlHandler Apache::ASP
                 PerlSetVar Global /tmp


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