I am using HTML::Embperl in conjunction with Apache::Session to control
session information and create pages.  I have started to create a module
that will trim the amount of code and keep a connection with MySQL
engine alive.  Below is a section of my module.
    My problem is that when I connect again with a different computer my
connect all my previous connects are changed to the last one.

So in short:

Can I assign each session a seperate "permanent" connection?

Aaron Johnson

# I pass this -> $dbh = db_connect( { database => "$udat{location}",
change => 1, } );
# for those of you who haven't used HTML::Embperl $udat{location} is
session data

sub db_connect {
 my $pd = shift;
 if ($pd->{change}) { &db_disconnect };
 if ($pd->{change} || !$dbh) {

    "dbi:mysql:$pd->{database}", 'user', 'password', {
         PrintError => 1,
                RaiseError => 1,
        ) || die $DBI::errstr;


 else {
  # warn "No need to change!\n";


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