The enclosed code works fine if I use:
        [* if ((($daycnt-1) % 7) == 0) { *] 
however if I make it
        [$ if ((($daycnt-1) % 7) == 0) $]
it seems to execute (at least partially, it's not clear that everything inside gets 
executed) every time.

Am I missing something about variable scope?  Or is something wrong here?  Note that 
the [$ is being executed within a [* loop.

I've stripped a bunch out of the code, so do't expect it to make a lot of sense 

<HEAD><TITLE>Monthly Calendar</TITLE>
    <script language="JavaScript">
function MM_displayStatusMsg(msgStr) { //v1.2
  document.MM_returnValue = true;





<FONT SIZE="-1">

Choose your view:
    <A HREF="calendar.html?CurView=dayview&time=">Today's Events</A> |
    <FONT COLOR="#555555">This Month's Calendar</FONT> |
    <A HREF="calendar.html?CurView=listview&time=&month=&year=">This Month's 
Listing</A> <BR>








<FONT SIZE="+2" COLOR="#800000"></FONT>



        <th align=center colspan=2>[+ 7 +]</th>
        <th align=center colspan=2>[+ 1 +]</th>
        <th align=center colspan=2>[+ 2 +]</th>
        <th align=center colspan=2>[+ 3 +]</th>
        <th align=center colspan=2>[+ 4 +]</th>
        <th align=center colspan=2>[+ 5 +]</th>
        <th align=center colspan=2>[+ 6 +]</th>

    $NDays = 31;
    # Mon=1, Sun=7
    $FirstDOW = 3;
    if ($FirstDOW == 7) {
        $Offset = 0;
    } else {
        $Offset = $FirstDOW;
    $EndPoint = ($NDays + $Offset) - (($NDays + $Offset) % 7);
    $EndPoint += $Offset + 1;
    $BegPoint = 0 - $Offset;
    #$dbgEval = 1;

[* for ($i = 0; $i < 7; ++$i) { *]
    <td align=left width="4%" bgcolor="#EEEEEE"> </td>
    <td align=left width="10%"> </td>
[* } *]

[* for ($daycnt = 1, $i = $BegPoint+1; $i <= $EndPoint; ++$i, ++$daycnt) { *]
    [# The following line executes sometimes when it should not when using
     # the [$ directive.
     # However, if you change the line to use [ * (and change the
     # corresponding endif, it works fine.
    [# if ((($daycnt-1) % 7) == 0) #]
    [* if ((($daycnt-1) % 7) == 0) { *]
            [* for ($j = 0; $j < 7; ++$j) { *]
                [$ if ($i+$j < 1 || $i+$j > $NDays) $]
                    <td align=left valign=top colspan=2 bgcolor="#EEEEEE">
                        <font size=1>x</font>
                [$ else $]
                    <td valign=top align=left width="4%" bgcolor="#EEEEEE">
                    <td align=left width="10%"></td>
                [$ endif $]
            [* } *]
    [* } *]
    [# endif #]

    [$ if ($i < 1 || $i > $NDays) $]
            <td align=left valign=top colspan=2 bgcolor="#EEEEEE">
                <font size=1>[+ $EndPoint +]<br><br><br><br><br></font>
    [$ else $]
            <td align=left valign=top colspan=2>
                <font size=1>
    [$ endif $]

    [$ if (($daycnt % 7) == 0) $]
    [$ endif $]
[* } *]


Kee Hinckley    Somewhere Consulting Group - Consultants without the cubes(tm)

I'm not sure which upsets me more: that people are so unwilling to accept
responsibility for their own actions, or that they are so eager to regulate
everyone else's.

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