I'm not seeing the proper behavior from either EMBPERL_LOG or EMBPERL_DEBUG.
Here's the configuration in httpd.conf:

Perlrequire  /www/www/lib/modperl-startup.pl
PerlSetEnv EMBPERL_OPTIONS              2178
PerlSetEnv EMBPERL_LOG                  /tmp/embperl_testlog
PerlSetEnv EMBPERL_DEBUG                0
PerlSetEnv EMBPERL_MAIL_ERRORS_TO       embperl

Running apache-1.3.9 / mod-perl-1.21 / embperl 1.2b11. These environment
variables are being properly set by apache(I can see them with [$ while ($k,
$v) = each (%ENV) $][+ $k +] = [+ $v +]<br>[$ endwhile $]), but they are
apparently being ignored by Embperl. The log that gets created is the default
/tmp/embperl.log and it continues to be written to upon occasion even through
debug is set to zero (btw, the setting to zero isn't documented, but Gerald
told me about it in a long ago query response). Does anyone else see this


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