Do you have 'PerlSendHeader On' in your httpd.conf?


At 02:21 PM 12/6/99 +0100, Martin Holz wrote:

>I am trying to catch the output of a CGI
>script and put the body of the generated
>HTML page in a template.
>Works fine unless the CGI script calls CGI::header.
>If the scripts calls CGI::header, two headers
>are sent, the first by Apache::Registry/,
>the second by my own content handler.
>Aparently CGI::header does not send its output
>to STDOUT, if it runs under Apache::Registry.
>How can I intercept the first header?
>         Martin Holz
>if ($r->filename =~ /\.perl$/ ) {  # Registry-Skript
>    tie *SH,'IO::Scalar', \$PAGE;
>    my $stdout = select SH;
>    Apache::Registry::handler($r);
>    select $stdout;
>} else {
>   ... Static page
>Extract body from $page and put it a template

Jeff Beard
Web Systems Engineer
World Wide Web Associates
Phone: 303.545.2399

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