On 05-Dec-1999 Craig Shaver wrote:
> I think it would be a good idea to break out the embperl stuff.
> "Dominic A. V. Amann" wrote:
>> Although I like mailing lists, I am beginning to see a pattern.
>> A list becomes useful at around 5-20 daily contributions.  At
>> around 30+, I glaze over and skip tons of stuff, wishing it
>> would end already.  modperl is well over that limit, and I now
>> have to unsubscribe just to keep my day productive.  Also, I
>> perceive that signal to noise is diminishing with increasing
>> size.
>> Perhaps it is time to further specialize the list into
>> sub-topics?

As a newbie (and lurker on the list) just beginning to learn advanced perl,
mod_perl, embperl, and many of the other perl modules available, I read almost
everything on the list.  It is just a way of not only learning mod_perl, but to
see how it integrates with everything else.   It is not necessary to read every
single message.  Just scan the subjects... if you see a pointless thread or
flame war, just select those and press 'd'.  Or set up filters...

If you want to see an example of list breakup, look at how many debian lists
there are. 


Wim Kerkhoff              

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