I am trying to implement a small mod_perl handler that will 
affect the whole site, but at the same time should also let 
every other handler do its work.

I have tried the following in my httpd.conf:


<LocationMatch />
   SetHandler perl-script
   PerlHandler My::Handler

<Location /hello>
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::Hello


But that means that Location /hello is not affected by 
My::Handler and if I change the order of the Location 
sections /hello doesn't work anymore (Can't be found).

Is there a way of implementing a handler affecting the whole 
site without having to add it to every location and directory 
directive in the httpd.conf? (I would like the following 
module to take over when I return DECLINED, but that doesn't 
work the way I did it.)


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