On Tue, 21 Dec 1999, Nancy Lin wrote:

> Hi -
> I'm running apache 1.3.9/modperl 1.19/ApacheDBI-0.87/perl5.003 on redhat
> 6.0
> In my startup.pl file, I have the following lines:
>       use Apache::DBI;
>       $Apache::DBI::DEBUG     = 2;
> When I run it w/ the -c option, I get the following error message:
>    Can't locate object method "module" via package "Apache" at
>       /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Apache/DBI.pm line 202.
>    BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at startup.pl line 35.
> One possible reason may be i'm using the apache-1.3.9-4.i386.rpm from
> redhat.  The archives mentions that the default rpm for redhat 6.1 doesn't
> work.  However, I couldn't find anything on the 6.0 rpms.  
> Has anyone have any problem w/ 6.0's rpm?  I would rather not compile the
> server myself if I don't need to.

i have mod_perl compiled (not RPM's) on two different servers, and i see
this message, too, when running perl -cw on my modules.  however, it
doesn't not prevent me from restarting my servers.  i just have to run
"./apachectl configtest" to really find my coding errors, which is kind of
a pain.  i just recently noticed this message happening, but i can't
recall exactly what changed to bring it about.


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