> > Oh, yeh, I had fought mod_perl on MOSX long and hard and did finally
> > win...only to switch to linux a month later.
> I wish I could ;)

I wish I didn't have to, but I found Apache/mod_perl combination on MOSX
to be very unstable.  And been new to Perl, Apache, mod_perl, MOSX and
unix in general wasn't helping either :)

> Did all of that, but I still receive an error. I didn't find PERL_INC in
> Config.pm, but it was in the mod_perl Makefile with the proper path.

Hmm. Perhaps you have a slightly newer version of the source tree.

> This is the new error:

Yes, I did forget something...  Now the linker is looking for the perl
library and can't find it.  I remember I dealt with this problem by
renaming something to libperl.a.  I just don't remember what it was.
Ok, try this... There is a file called Perl in
/System/Library/Frameworks/Perl.framework/Versions/5.005.  I think that's
the library you need.  Copy it to /System/Library/Perl/rhapsody/CORE/ and
call it libperl.a.  

I remember documenting all of this insanity, but I can't figure out where 
I stuck the file.  If that thing above doesn't work, let me know I'll try
looking for the notes again.


> Any other solutions as to where to head? Thanks for your first tips --
> got it to compile farther than before!
> Jason

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