At the top of the config file put:

package Config;

and refer to the vars in your page as:

[+ $Config::foo +]

On 09-Jan-00 Mike Cantrell wrote:
> Quick question:
> Let's say I want to keep a common configuration file which defines
> variables and such. I'd like to [- Execute() -] the file but it seems that
> the variables are out of scope once I try to access them in the rest of
> the document.
> Am I doing soemthing wrong or is there a better way to accomplish this?
> Regards,
> Mike Cantrell

Jason Bodnar + [EMAIL PROTECTED] + Tivoli Systems

In Jail Rock house Rock, he was everything Rockabilly's about.
No, I mean he is Rockabilly. Mean, Surly, Nasty, Brute.
I mean in that movie he couldn't give a ---- about nothin'.
Just rockin' and rollin', livin' fast, dying young, leavin' a good lookin'

--Clarence Worley, True Romance

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