I encountered this a month or so ago and took the easy way out by using CGI.pm instead 
of libapreq in my file upload script. 

This probably doesn't help, but I only noticed the problem on big file uploads (10+ 
megs) The initial effect was huge - the size of the process that handled the upload 
jumped from ~8meg to up over 100
meg after uploading a ~10 meg file. After the initial jump in process size, other file 
uploads done on the same httpd process continued to swell the process but at a 
tapering rate.

Jim Winstead wrote:
> There appears to be a file upload bug in libapreq that causes httpd
> processes to spin out of control. There's a mention of this in the
> mailing list archives with a patch that seems to be a partial
> solution, but we're still seeing problems even with the patch I've
> attached. They appear to get stuck in the strstr() call.
> Anyone tracked this one down before? We haven't had any real luck
> figuring out what triggers the condition that sends things into a
> tail-spin, and I admittedly haven't crawled through the code too
> carefully to see what could be going wrong.
> Jim
>                            Name: patch-fix_upload_bug
>    patch-fix_upload_bug    Type: Plain Text (text/plain)
>                        Encoding: 7bit

Roger Grayson - Software Engineer
Physical Verification Runset Center
System-on-a-chip Design Technology - Motorola, Inc. - Austin TX
Phone#(work): (512)996-7302 

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